Weapon X #20

Writer: Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente Artist: Ricardo Lopez Ortiz Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 4, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
3.5Critic Rating
4.3User Rating

•  Sabretooth's team of killers is going to make things right the only way they know how: WITH A BODY COUNT!  
•  Guest-starring Russia's premier super-team, THE WINTER GUARD!
•  Special guest artist Ricardo López Ortiz (Hit Girl) crafts our bloodiest issue yet!
Rated T+

  • 4.0
    ComicBook.com - Nicole Drum Jul 4, 2018

    For as much fun as the issue is story-wise Ricardo Lopez Ortiz's art is so chaotic and messy in places that it's distracting. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Watch - Robert Struble Jul 14, 2018

    What could have been a fun story is done in by bad art. Its happened before and itll happen again. Lets just move on and hope Weapon X #21 is better. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    CrazyforRAMU Jan 14, 2019

    Sabretooth leads Weapon X against SICKLE in a way-too-public fight. A fight with Warpath is queued up for the immediate future, too. The plot is simple, the jokes are solid. But the art's a tragedy. This wildly sketchy, exaggerated style would work if it was the title's core tone - and if the artist were significantly more engaged. As a two-issue tip-in crafted by someone whose interest in the characters is clearly lacking … tragic.

  • 3.5
    LovesToGeek Jul 17, 2018

    The art wasn't the best for this series, and was bad enough for my taste to take away numerous points.

    Also, the writing is still all over the place. Again, one min. this is a gray group of character willing to get dirty to protect mutant-kind. But the next, like all of this chapter, they're a bunch of mercs broadcasting their antics live so more people will know of, and possibly wanna employ them.

    I stand by my wonderful review of chapter 18. But the last 2 chapters have dipped in quality again.

  • 2.0
    Dredgin Lathe Aug 22, 2018

    The art in the comic (Anime meets Calvin & Hobbes) is hideous. It completely distracts from the story. Each issue is a work of art and I love spending the time to analyze and enjoy every panel. If I was only concerned with the story, I'd just buy a book. I'm sure there are reasons of necessity that require the use of guest artists. However, there needs to be some consistency. They need to stick closely to the style already established for the title line. The complete roll of the dice on whether I'm going to get a comic to add to my boxes or throw in the trash is ridiculous. Marvel needs to maintain consistent art established by main artist for a title when I decided to start purchasing a title.

  • 6.5
    Psycamorean Jul 21, 2019

  • 5.5
    iPodwithnomusic Feb 3, 2019

  • 4.5
    DayDreamer Jul 6, 2018

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