X-Factor #257

Writer: Peter David Artist: David Yardin Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 5, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
6.7Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

The end begins here.THE END OF X-FACTOR, parts 1 & 2 of 6.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Jun 5, 2013

    Absolutely amazing. I thought I wouldnt be ready for more X-Factor so soon after such an emotionally draining arc, and an ESPECIALLY draining final issue of that arc, but here I am ready to love again. The B-story of the boy and his uncle trying to bring back the woman of the house is actually quite affecting and shouldnt be discounted, but its hard to talk in-depth about without revealing too much. Suffice it to say, again, that theres a great moment when you think a well-worn trope is about to be trotted out, but things go in an entirely unexpected, and absolutely tragic and terrifying, direction. Cover-to-cover a great issue and thus begins the six-issue End of X-Factor, and if its any indication, this should be the best arc yet. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Analog Addiction - Tony Couto Jun 6, 2013

    X-Factor #257 doesn't make the series feel like its reaching its end, but rather indicates that there is much more chaos to be endured for the team. I look forward to how future character-focused issues fare, and if this issue is anything like what's to come, horrific consequences can be expected for the team. Read Full Review

  • 6.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 5, 2013

    I'm hopeful David has a memorable conclusion planned for this long run. But if so, little of that is evident in the first chapter of "The End of X-Factor." Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 7, 2013

    As a regular issue of X-Factor, I probably would have still been disappointed. But as one of the last issues ever, as the kick-off to the upcoming farewell, this issue was a huge disappointment. Now is the time to say goodbye to X-Factor is style, not waste everyone's time with some kid in Marrakesh. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Jun 7, 2013

    X-Factor has been one of Marvel's most pleasant change-of-pace titles for the past few years, and while I'm sorry to see it end, the rather conventionally “epic” Hell War storyline did suggest that it might be time for David to take a fresh look at his favorite Marvel characters; I'm less worried about losing X-Factor than I am wondering whether Marvel will be inclined to give David the leeway to make his next project as rewardingly individual and idiosyncratic as this series has been at its best. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 6, 2013

    "X-Factor" #257 is a less than riveting start to "The End of X-Factor," and that's a shame because I'd like the series to go out on a high note. I think it's still possible, especially now that the missing Madrox subplot has been wrapped up. But for the sake of the readership, I hope that whatever happens next does so in a slightly snappier manner. Read Full Review

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