X-Men: Legacy #208
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X-Men: Legacy #208

Writer: Mike Carey Artist: John Romita Jr., Scott Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 27, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Exodus, Amelia Voght, Frenzy, and the Omega Sentinel have Professor Xavier in their possession. The question now is what to do with him. Inside the unconscious Xavier's head, the leader of the X-Men travels back in time through his memories...

  • 9.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 27, 2008

    I suppose it could be argued that not much happens in this issue. Regardless, Carey delivers a few well-written glimpses into Xavier's past, some nuanced dialogue between the Acolytes (even though a few sequences feel forced in their attempts to get new readers up to speed), and a terrific cliffhanger. Trust me, this is one X-book you'll want to keep on your pull list. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Crown Feb 27, 2008

    I've had a subscription to the adjective-less X-Men since the very first issue, when I was only nine years old. In fact, the book was the very first comic I ever put on a pull list. While the quality of the title has been all over the map over the last 17 years or so, I've always had a vested interest in it because it was one of the main attractions that brought me into the hobby to begin with. With that said, I'm glad to see Carey, Eaton and Romita bring it back to some semblance of importance. One can only hope they keep the quality of this issue throughout the rest of their run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Feb 26, 2008

    All bets are off in the X-Men's world. Marvel isn't playing it safe with these mutants anymore. They've stirred the pot and what comes out is enticing stuff indeed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Mar 4, 2008

    I honestly expected this issue to be crap, but instead I was pleasantly surprised. The issue's ending is somewhat predictable, but I'm interested to see where Carey takes this story. I'm just hoping they don't do the whole “Xavier's a bad guy now” story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Feb 27, 2008

    Oh ya, Magneto shows up at the end, but that's not really a big surprise since we've known about it for a while. Anyone know why Exodus is treating him like crap here? He used to worship the man and now doesn't want to take any lip from him. Is it because he supposedly doesn't have his powers and is a 'flatscan'? Read Full Review

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