X-Men: Legacy #237

Writer: Mike Carey Artist: Greg Land Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 23, 2010 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
6.1Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

“SECOND COMING”, CHAPTER TWELVE X-Force cuts their way through a dangerous future trying to cut off Bastion’s armies at the source. They better hurry as the X-Men in the present are falling left and right. Rated A …$2.99

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Jun 24, 2010

    After twelve chapters, it's a little hard to believe that A) this storyline has been going on that long, and B) this storyline is already almost over. I'm really interested in seeing just what the ultimate outcome of the storyline will be, what the ramification or result will be, and what the page with someone returning through the time portal (or at least attempting to) really means, and what the ramifications are. Highly Recommended, a fantastic read! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jun 26, 2010

    With Second Coming winding down it is clear that this will have a surprise ending. The invasion on the X-Men by the futuristic Nimrods is not the final battle here. I found this issue to be fast and bring some closure to what seems to be the lead-in battle. I liked the character work of Magneto and Cypher and felt the issue included some better battle scenes than in previous issues in the crossover. On the whole, this was a good read and has me excited for the final two issues of the crossover. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Tyler Parker Jun 23, 2010

    Overall, yes, the crossover is a success and has been a decently enjoyable read. Lamentably, that success is due more to the recent failures of prior x-events. It seems low expectations can indeed lend a helping hand. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Joe Lopez Jun 28, 2010

    I know Im being harsh. This is how insulted I am that a story I could have really enjoyed has been crippled by a professional artist who cant be bothered to actually draw from his own imagination. To properly rate Careys contribution to this issue apart from Lands laziness, I had to pretend I was reading it in raw script form! Call me crazy, but thats something I think is worth getting a little irate over. This is the last time that Im buying anything that Land produces, no matter what title. I can no longer conscientiously support this sort of insult to the readers. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jun 25, 2010

    Writingalone, this issue could easily be considered a "Check It" comic as Mike Carey is doing some very interesting things here and I dig the way he writes Hope. Unfortunately, everything that works about this issue is ruined the moment that Greg Land touches it. It's unfortunate, but there is no artist that can ruin an issue faster than Land. Read Full Review

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