X-Men: Legacy #240

Writer: Mike Carey Artist: Clay Mann Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 29, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6
6.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

�COLLISION� Part 3 The city of Mumbai is coming apart at the seams, torn asunder by freak energy storms�and Rogue and Magneto have finally discovered their source: The Children of the Vault have returned. And the X-Men may not be enough to stop them. But might their �new mutant� tip the scales in their favor? Rated A �$2.99

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Sep 29, 2010

    I was a little cool on the last issue, but I'm digging this title a lot more now that a better balance has been struck between the soap opera and the high-concept superheroics I'm always looking for in an X-Men book. I haven't encountered the Children of the Vault prior to this, but they already seem like villains worthy of inclusion in this decades-deep rogue's gallery. I especially liked how they had a cold, fanatical agenda that really had nothing to do with mutantkind's agenda, nor humankind's -- a villainy totally alien to X-Men's usual theme. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Oct 1, 2010

    I'm a fan of this title and of Carey's work in general. However, this issue marks slightly higher because he has such a great command of the key character's voices. The issue also manages to loop in the uninformed reader on the old continuity it is dragging into the story which helps a lot. I liked the issue and I am eagerly awaiting the finale. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Oct 4, 2010

    Overall, this arc and this issue has been a very strong showing of the talent that Mike Carey and his collaborators are capable of. Legacy may not get the attention that Fractions Uncanny does, but it is definitely on equal standing in terms of quality. In fact ,all the core X-Men titles are pretty much great reads consistently. I do have to tip my cap to Mr. Carey for upping the ante though. His decision to bring back the Children of the Vault was a smart choice and the story has been a fun action packed romp with an appropriate dash of character drama. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 29, 2010

    Carey has done more to make Paras a compelling character than I would have expected. The Children of the Vault also make for unique opponents, and their quirky slang puts Carey's dialogue skills to good use. The escapee Luz also continues to grow from snarky troublemaker to interesting, troubled teen. Clay Mann continues to fit in nicely with the series. His figures have a sense of mass and grace that is rare in the industry. Consistency of detail is sometimes a problem, but the strengths far outweigh the flaws. If anything, this arc could probably have stood to be one issue shorter. "Collision" has offered enjoyment, but the thought of one more chapter doesn't inspire the excitement it probably should. Legacy needs to refocus and center itself more on Rogue's story again. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Oct 1, 2010

    From a conceptual point of view, "X-Men Legacy" #240 has a lot going for it: a threat powerful enough to take down two powerful mutants and a young mutant needing to prove himself to save them. Then, it gets derailed by stock characters and a roadblock that's absurdly cheesy. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Sep 30, 2010

    There are some positive aspects of this book here and there, but it ultimately misses the mark and misses it hard. Pacing issues, shallow character writing, and simply disappointing art are the main culprits with this book as the creative team turns an interesting plot into an unfortunate mess. Unfortunately, this might just be the last straw for this title as I'm really tired of giving it second chances. Read Full Review

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