Oni Press is proud to unveil a spellbinding new chapter in the distinguished lineage of EC history! Enter: Cruel Kingdom-EC's first-ever dark-fantasy anthology conjuring tales of MAGIC, MYTH, and MURDER from forbidden realms long before our own!
Behold the bloody and barbarous age of wizards, knights, and dragons as reimagined in the immutable EC manner as master scribes Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk), Chris Condon (That Texas Blood), Greg Pak (Darth Vader), and Ben H. Winters (Cruel Universe) couple their forces with iron-wrought artists Charlie Adlard (T more
Cruel Kingdom #1 is a great first book in this new line of anthologies from EC. Mixing the world of fantasy and fairy tales with the monkey paw style twists weve become accustomed to is a winning formula. You should definitely pick up a copy at your LCS this week. Read Full Review
All told, EC Cruel Kingdom is a great start, and while it's missing a host, like with Epitaphs from the Abyss, it thoroughly makes a case for its fantasy-first storytelling. EC Cruel Kingdom is a worthy continuation of EC Comics' legacy, blending dark fantasy, sci-fi, and thoughtful storytelling into an anthology that stands out in today's comic landscape. Read Full Review
I wasn't impressed. I thought all the stories had potential, but not all of them were presented in an enjoyable way. Only the Pickaxe story really kept me invested from beginning to end.