ALL-NEW ARC! START READING HERE! For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. First came UNITY... Now meet WEBNET! Coming off of the earth-shattering repercussions of their first mission, Ninjak is leading the newly formed Unity team right back into the trenches to face the Valiant Universe's next colossal threat - the enigmatic Dr. Silk and his high-tech terror cell: WEBNET! With the fate of untold millions on the line, can this team of cutthroat heroes uncover Silk's endgame - and his connection to Ninjak's shadowy past? Move over, Harada - Matt Kindt and Valiant's next superstar artist, CAFU (Action Comics), are about to brinmore
This was a good start for Unity #5 as we head into this all new story arc. Webnet proves to have potential as this team will be put to the test to see if they have what it takes to save the world from a threat bigger than any single one of them could face alone. I wouldn't hold it against this issue that it took a while to pick up, though hopefully that pacing remains consistent after the way it ended. Unity does best when their actions speak more than their words. Read Full Review
CAFU joins the series this issue, and things look great. We're sad to see Braithwaite go, but CAFU eases our pain with some gorgeous looking pages. His style is detailed, but smooth. Even X-O blowing a dudes head to pieces looks graceful. The only stuff that drags in the art department is Brian Reber's colors. Reber is normally fantastic, but this issue has some strange gradients that leave characters looking computer generated. The first page looks especially odd. It won't stop you from enjoying the comic, but you'll notice it, for sure. Read Full Review
With a very decent artistic direction along with some new and interesting ideas added to the Valiant Mythos, this issue provide for a fun entry in this ever-growing universe. With a fun cast, some decent concepts and a unique take on things, it is a very competent read that should please fans. Read Full Review
Team Unity is undergoing some swift changes right now. With the vision of CAFU and Kindt, this comic is in great hands going forward. Readers can never expect what is going to happen next with this title, which is one hell of a good thing. Read Full Review
This is a great issue to jump on if you couldn't tell from the cover. The impressive thing about this issue is that it really is a great starting point for anyone interested in the Valiant Universe; it's packed full of information, but never is it overwhelming. If you're looking for a team book that has a very different makeup compared to other titles on the market, then definitely check out Unity because it's breaking that mold with each new issue. Read Full Review
Unity #5 serves as a good testimony to the series' bright future for Valiant Comics. By making up for any bumps in the road with seamless storytelling near the end of the issue, Kindt and CAFU deliver a compelling and interestingly developing first issue of this new arc of Unity. Read Full Review
Kindt and crew are putting the Valiant touch on the team-book with Unity #5. That means you've got a solid group of artists with a certain degree of freedom to explore their craft, as well as the knowledge Read Full Review
"Everyone keeps talking about Valiant but I don't know what to pick up!" Well, this is a good place to start, random reader. Sure, there's a gazillion different (and not to mention affordable) collections that are available, but this is a beyond friendly jumping on spot and serves as a great introduction to what you can expect from Valiant's world. It's action-packed, well-written, looks commendable and has a cast of rich characters. Additionally, it does more than enough to motivate you to pick up the next chapter. It's a strong start to a brand new story and, best of all, it pretty much justifies why Ninjak deserves his own on going. But hey, Valiant clearly has big plans for the future and good things come to those who wait, right? At least we're getting plenty of his awesomeness here in Kindt's UNITY and, luckily for us, it's hugely entertaining team book. Read Full Review
There's something about Unity that keeps me at arms length, so far, especially when you factor in that this issue felt like a first issue in its near reintroduction of the cast. I know you want to keep a book new reader friendly, but for me, it was a sort of rough way to do that. Overall though, it was a solid issue, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the arc and the development of Dr. Silk. Read Full Review
"Unity" #5 is an engaging story with a solid cliffhanger that does a fine job of bringing readers up to speed on the threat of Dr. Silk. This team strikes me as the Defenders of the Valiant Universe, except with a backer who brings them all together. The personalities don't all blend, but the quartet is effective together and realizes that together they can accomplish more than each can do individually, much like the creative team of this comic. Read Full Review
New artist CAFU isn't quite as vibrant as Doug Braithwaite, with layouts that are less dynamic. He's not able to make Kindt's word-heavy story stand out, but the character designs and line art closely resemble Braithwaite, giving a smooth transition. Read Full Review