In this thrilling conclusion to the acclaimed miniseries, Chris and the Flak Jackets head to Jerusalem, the last stop on their world tour. But in this final concert, will the punk messiah rise above the protests from the worlds three major religions, or will he take matters into his own hands?
Does Sean Murphy solve every loose end in this issue? Not at all, because I find it hard to believe you can have a Jesus storyline without some sort of resurrection built into it, but the ending was fitting enough to leave me satisfied that I was glad I went along for one hell of ride! Read Full Review
I really feel the need to comment more on this series, it was so thought provoking and provocative, and I most likely will be here at ComicBookBin, but more than that, I feel the need to read more about Chris, McKael, and his crew, but alas it's all over now. Here's to looking forward to the trade and all the goodies that it might contain. Read Full Review
A fantastic story with an emotional ending that made me feel even more for the characters involved. A fantastic and well deserved 10/10! Read Full Review
Reading this final issue was a great way to start off the new year. Get ready for the end. There will be answers, shocks and surprises. We've seen a lot happen over these six issues. Sean Murphy has done a remarkable job on both the writing and art duties. When I first heard about the concept I thought it was a novel idea. Murphy has shown us how well he has thought out and planned the events in each issue. Just when you think you know what's going to happen, a curve ball is thrown at you. The only downside is the printed format sadly makes the art look a little faded. The crispness of the digital format really makes the art shine and lets you appreciate every detail of Murphy's art. This is a heavy series and with the themes, violence and language won't be for everyone. It is comics like this that makes you happy to have a publisher like Vertigo. I loved every bit of this series. Read Full Review
We've praised Murphy's art since the very first issue, and all of that praise certainly applies here. Punk Rock Jesus is a gorgeous, black and white masterpiece. From the simple police interrogation in the first few pages to the bloody and violent final page, you'll find yourself in awe of Murphy's work. From his layouts to his use of shadows and detail, Murphy shows the skills of a grand storyteller. Punk Rock Jesus is awesome, in nearly every way. Buy this book so Vertigo will pump out more like it. The world needs more comics like Punk Rock Jesus. Read Full Review
A wonderful ending to a series. I loved this and wish we had more comics that were so ambitious. Even though I'm looking forward to Murphy's upcoming collaboration with Scott Snyder, I'd almost rather Murphy got to tell another story of his own again next time. Read Full Review
I am going to miss this series, but I honestly think that six issues was a perfect amount for it to develop and come to an ending which I am sure most fans of it will appreciate. Reading it all the way through in a sitting or two is my next challenge. It is one that I really cant wait for. If you have not been reading this then pick the trade up, you will not be disappointed. Read Full Review
Everything about "Punk Rock Jesus" shows Murphy to be not only the brilliant artist we've all known he's been, but also the extremely talented creator that we'll all be getting to know for many years to come. The entire mini-series, though it had a few unsteady moments, was breathtaking, fearless and exactly the kind of comics the medium needs more of. Read Full Review
It's all very compressed, with the issue ratcheting along to its conclusion and giving all the new information zero room to breathe, and despite Murphy's graceful layouts, the amount of information packed on each page can feel like a jumble if you don't scan it all very slowly. An extra issue " or even two " certainly wouldn't have hurt, but as things stand, there are worse things to cap off a brash and kinetic series with than a brash and slightly confusing last chapter. This has been an exceptional series, and the ending " with all its layers of complexity, and unanswered questions " does it justice. Read Full Review
After reading this one issue, it's not a surprise this series landed on so many “best of” lists. I absolutely recommend it if you're able to get all of the issues and especially if you've followed it up until now. I myself am definitely picking up what I missed, either as individual issues or as the eventual trade paperback. Read Full Review
Punk Rock Jesus is a book that will leave you thinking. While it is a politically charged story that takes a lot of shots at the right side of the political spectrum I think it serves the story well and shows flaws in all of the characters in the book. There are simply no clean-cut heroes in this story and that adds to the appeal. This is something to read, re-read and ponder. Definitely pick this up. Read Full Review
What struck me as I was reading this comic was just how“punk” it is. This feels like an indie punk album transformed into the comic medium and I applaud Murphy for getting that feeling across.This is quite an end to the critically acclaimed mini-series and while it is not material for younger readers or the faint of heart, it is a very well crafted comic. Murphy does not hold back even though he is in controversial territory, and the story is strong because of his candor. Punk Rock Jesus is definitely a book that I expect to turn up awards lists come Eisner time. Read Full Review
But on the whole, Murphy deserves praise for giving Punk Rock Jesus readers a thoughtful, provocative and surprising story in a relatively short period of time. It's to his credit that even an imperfect ending leaves the reader wanting more. Read Full Review
Punk Rock Jesus is still the best mini-series of 2012, but #6 is just shy of delivering on the level the other five issues did. Read Full Review
Sean Murphy's Punk Rock Jesus has been a really enjoyable book - especially for one of his first major writing efforts - but the narrative stumbles as it reaches its conclusion. For a book that's been so critical of Christianity and religion in general, Punk Rock Jesus has been awfully preachy, and while that's fine to an extent, this black and white comic could have benefited from a few more shades of grey. Read Full Review
This Series is my pick for best of the year. Sean Murphy puts in a stellar effort which reminds me of what one person can do with heart and DIY. i would love to know what his writing/drawing soundtracks were for this production. Make us a mixtape brother! im equally impressed that while this series features right wingers, extreme catholics, the NRA and a frakkin' Punk Rock Jesus... none of it is particularly heavy-handed or set to any agenda. Aside from a bit of cartooning and tomfoolery, of course.
So in truth i wasn't hooked by this title at issue #1, i even returned it! damn. The art seemed cramped and i wasn't sure where the plot was going to go. Of course, upon second reading, i realized i was a fool. i blame it on a late n more