All-New Wolverine Vol. 5: Orphans Of X

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Juan Cabal Publisher: Marvel Comics Trade Paperback: February 21, 2018, $17.99 Issues: 5, Issue Reviews: 182
8.3Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

When Daken, Logan's enigmatic son, is kidnapped, it's up to his "sister" to find him! But when the trail leads Wolverine back to the facility where she was created and tortured, she'll find new horrors waiting for her. Who are the Orphans of X, and what do they have in store for the children of Logan? When Laura took on the mantle of Wolverine, she swore off killing. But no matter how far she runs, it seems her past will always catch up to her - unless she and Daken can put her bloody history in the ground once and for all! But the Orphans of X will stop at nothing to do the same to them! To survive, Laura will have to delve deep into Logan's more

  • 8.5
    RaisingBlack Mar 16, 2018

    I had a really great time with this volume. Daken, Laura, and Gabby are a great group to follow throughout this arc. Laura's growth is really seen in this arc. Cabal draws beautifully throughout this volume. This is the story where we finally give Gabby a code name and complete just how uniquely funny and amazing her character is. I enjoyed every second of this run and its conclusion. The Orphans of X is reminiscent of a past Logan Wolverine story but the twists it takes the history of Wolverine and Daken in this volume really show how Tom Taylor pays homage to what came before.

    Laura has come to be my favorite Wolverine. I love OG Logan and his return I am sure is welcomed by many but I have not missed him. Between Old Man Logan and All-New Wolverine, I have felt covered on the Logan front. I also think there is an interesting story to explore with Logan and his clones and others being considered a subrace of the mutant population. Races of Mutants and their experiences could be a really interesting next chapter in mutant kind. We have the regenerative in Logan, Laura, Sabertooth. We have psychics, We have energy based mutants. We have transporters. There is a story in there Marvel.

    What actually saddens me is knowing this book will not continue as is but Laura's story will continue in X-23, but I really hope we give her a code name considering all the writing about her transcending the assassin they made her. We will know more in the coming weeks as Fresh Start becomes the new status quo.

    Pick this book up

  • 1.0
    Bropokalypse Jan 18, 2021


  • 9.5
    jandals042 Sep 2, 2021

  • 9.0
    Grifter Aug 8, 2018

  • 9.0
    Sidowski Oct 6, 2021

  • 9.0
    KittyNone Feb 11, 2023

  • 8.0
    Rotivv Feb 22, 2018

  • 7.5
    Adsun22 Feb 11, 2021

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