All-New Wolverine #25

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Juan Cabal Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 11, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 34
7.9Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

DAKEN, the enigmatic son of Logan, has been kidnapped and it's up to the ALL-NEW WOLVERINE to find him. But when the trail leads Laura, a genetic clone of the original Wolverine, back to the FACILITY where she was created and tortured, she will find new horrors waiting for her.  Who are the ORPHANS OF X and what do they have in store for the children of Logan? PLUS: Includes 3 bonus MARVEL PRIMER PAGES! Story by Robbie Thompson and art by Mark Bagley!
Rated T+

  • 9.0
    Comic Watch - Ivan Alio Nov 1, 2017

    Taylor delivered another winning issue. He knows how to start a story arc with a bang, or should I say with a Sknikt! Cabals art style is one of the best Ive seen so far, and it fits perfectly for All-New Wolverine. Match this two-talented individual and we have what I call another epic story. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicsverse - Eric Nierstedt Oct 13, 2017

    ALL-NEW WOLVERINE #25 puts Laura on the trail of her brother Daken, and introduces a new foe called The Orphans of X. Tom Taylor writes a story that embraces Laura's past, but builds on it to create new questions for the future. Juann Cabal adds solid art throughout. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 12, 2017

    There's some concern that the series is treading into overly familiar territory as Tom Taylor again digs into Laura's tragic past. However, the addition of Daken and the emphasis on lingering threads from the Wolverine Origins days does help to spice up the new conflict. And certainly, the unexpected cliffhanger promises to shake up Laura's world in a big way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Daniela Mendoza Oct 12, 2017

    I like this art style by Cabal more than what Ive seen in other issues. It has more detail and captures action scenes well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Brandon J. Griffin Oct 16, 2017

    After all this time on her own, with her own supporting cast, Laura is one of the most complete characters in recent memory. It's been a blast to watch her grow up, her future is one of the most exciting things in X-Men comics right now. The twist at the end of this first chapter is some classic comic book drama. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jefferies Oct 16, 2017

    The book shows that in the hands of the right creators, exploring the past can really pay off, especially when a richly compelling mystery is also brought to the table. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Kat Calamia Oct 12, 2017

    All New Wolverine #25 is a solid issue that successfully tells a story about the past without feeling repetitive. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Michael Mazzacane Oct 16, 2017

    "All-New Wolverine" has been a quiet and consistently good series, 'Orphans of X.' marks the start of a new story and a fine jumping on point for the series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Oct 12, 2017

    The ending sets the stage for a lot more melodrama and heartache. The connections that will eventually require Laura and Daken to team up again are there. Given the high standards that Taylor has set with All-New Wolverine, though, the impact of the conflict isn't felt yet. Too much of it relies on old scars that Laura has been carrying with her since her days as an extra in the X-men Evolution cartoon. While those scars are sure to deepen, the Orphans of X will need to hit much harder to leave a lasting impact on Laura and Daken. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dthirds123 Oct 12, 2017

    Good issue, alot of greate setup.

  • 10
    BloodyNinja Oct 12, 2017

    This issue is not a 10, but some dumbass just rated 1 for it and that's pretty unfair.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 9.0
    Ryan Jun 8, 2019

    First off, I love the little review wars happening in this issue I just love it know idea why. Anyways, Tom Taylor really gave us a quality issue for the start of Marvel Legacy in All-New Wolverine. The art work is absolutely stunning and the story is the extremely exciting compared to the last couple issues

  • 9.0
    SloboSOY Oct 12, 2017

    Another one very good reading on my pill.
    The art is simple but effective. The moment in the facility with all X-23 memory is just perfect, the best moment of my reading on my Pill. I'm not that fond of the children of the X, I find easy how Dakken is submitted. Do isn't a bad guy no more ? I trust the old him will have put them in many peace.
    I wait to see what link that to the sword of Wolverine (The one I believe with Ogun in it) ... And I want to see the shied now ^^
    I'm little sad that Gabby is put behind, & I don't like Young Warren. But this was a very fun time reading it.

  • 8.5
    Zeitgeist Nov 5, 2017

    Very nice art and story telling. We get an interesting look at Laura's past.

  • 8.5
    RustonLF Oct 12, 2017

    I have never been a huge fan of Daken. He seemed a product very much of his time, with the look, name, and powers. Much like Cable and Deadpool were also representative of their time. Also like them as their debut moves further into the past their dated feels start to become endearing. Daken is starting to get that same feeling for me. His inclusion here worked for me, especially the way he is used to lure in Laura very violently. Gabby's look and need for a code name is great and I am on board. The strange thing is for a milestone issue there is very little fanfare here. It is a great story but nothing grand. That is not a problem, just interesting to note. This also represents itself as a Legacy issue but does not really reintroduce anyth more

  • 8.5
    EDiakota Oct 11, 2017

    the best all new Wolverine art right now

  • 8.0
    CrazyforRAMU Apr 20, 2018

    Daken gets worked by a new enemy gunning for Laura. A questionable twist ending sours an otherwise stellar script. On the art front, too, Jaunn Cabal's otherwise-excellent visuals (like a stripped-down Frank Quitely in a wholly positive way) are slightly spoiled by disappointing facial expressions. On balance, these aren't crippling shortcomings. They pull this book down from "epic" to "great," not into the depths of "unsatisfying."

  • 8.0
    freemanlouis7 Nov 3, 2017

    Intriguing start

  • 7.5
    JoseAmor Oct 12, 2017

    Great artwork. Decent start to the new Legacy art that ties back into Laura's past. An interesting twist ending I didn't see coming. Less Daken than I was hoping for.

  • 5.0
    Mastermind Oct 13, 2017

    Look, this issue is not 1, but a 10?? Come on people.
    It wasn't even remotely good. Actually, the only good thing is that finally Gabby is left behind (or so I hope!). It's been terrible that everything was about her and we couldn't focus on Laura. Otherwise, there is nothing too great about it... Tom Taylor's ignorance of Laura's past is quite obvious. I didn't like the cliffhanger at all. It feels forced and uneeded to me. I mean, why do we have to deal with her past -again? We've seen this a thousand times before. Why not find her something new to do? Perhaps create a new arc nemesis for her, completely irrelevant with her past, for example. And as other people said, I don't like how they've been writing Daken either. He seems so in more

  • 4.5
    Flying_Machine Oct 12, 2017

    This series = gradually falling apart. Gab is just so annoying, almost as annoying as Riri at this point. Uninteresting story, very cliche, with desperate tries to give us a reason to continue. By making her mother be alive, they're taking away a great deal of her characters complexity. Plus, what's up with Daken? Why he's all soft and sweet and useless an all? Lol it's not like himself at all

  • 1.0
    Lady_Joy_Hill Oct 11, 2017

    Sorry to say it, but it's terrible. Nothing interesting, faaaar too many inconsistencies (the facility where they made Laura was destroyed long ago), and if you ever loved Daken, get ready to get really angry, because they've turned him into a weak ass character just to show off Laura's "better" skills. Those writers have absolutely no idea of his character, his skills, his past or even his appearence, and they keep butchering him whenever they're using him.

    Absolutely hated it.

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 10
    AdamAnt May 11, 2022

  • 10
    EdNothIng Jun 8, 2019

  • 10
    MightyVin Oct 22, 2017

  • 10
    mileum Oct 12, 2017

  • 10
    Ambaryerno Oct 12, 2017

  • 9.0
    Avanvolk Oct 25, 2021

  • 9.0
    iPodwithnomusic Mar 4, 2018

  • 8.5
    tonpas1989 Feb 25, 2022

  • 8.5
    StanielK Oct 21, 2017

  • 8.0
    batman_forever Oct 5, 2019

  • 8.0
    arrogantdesperado Aug 24, 2018

  • 8.0
    JBL Reviews Jul 29, 2018

  • 8.0
    DarioV Dec 17, 2017

  • 8.0
    Jason The Dude Oct 26, 2017

  • 8.0
    sebastianorellana95 Oct 20, 2017

  • 8.0
    CKaefe Oct 12, 2017

  • 7.5
    duBEARck Apr 2, 2021

  • 7.5
    Adsun22 Feb 11, 2021

  • 7.0
    fandelabd Mar 15, 2018

  • 5.0
    Jabberwocky_Superfly Oct 11, 2017

  • 2.0
    MH Oct 16, 2017

    + LikeComments (2)

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