Lady_Joy_Hill's Profile

Joined: Oct 11, 2017 About Me: I like reading reviews of comics, and also adding mine, so I loved this site I recently discovered. I love Image works, and I used to enjoy Marvel more than DC. Over the past two years this has changed, and I now prefer DC, since I see they respect their characters and the fans of those ch more

Recent Activity

Lady_Joy_Hill reviewed All-New Wolverine #30 Feb 6, 2018

To start with, what Taylor's doing with Daken is unacceptable. Completely destroying a well-established, complex and interesting character, and turn him into some soft idiot that is OUT OF LITERALLY NOWHERE a hero, instead of the complex villain we knew and wanted. The cover is, once again, a shameless lie. Somehow the Orphans caught 4 of the most deadly killers without losing any members. I want more

All-New Wolverine #30

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: Jan 31, 2018

•  The final epic battle between Wolverine, Daken and the Orphans of X!
•  It all ends here.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (3)
Ambaryerno - Feb 6, 2018

*Spiral messed around with Deathstrike's body, that is. Including her personality.

Lady_Joy_Hill - Feb 9, 2018

Yes, completely unexplainable as well, considering that, before Soule (who's actually a worse writer than Taylor), all they had was a mutual respect for each other, not some crazy siblings' loving relationship. As for the cover, there's a difference between "not depicting exactly what happens in the book", as you say, and having nothing to do with the story.

Lady_Joy_Hill commented on this:
RustonLF reviewed All-New Wolverine #30 Feb 1, 2018

With Daken popping up all over the place lately there is some inconsistency in how they want his character to move forward. With solicitations showing him joining X-Men: Blue in April and his willingness to work with family in this arc I would say they are trying to soften him a bit. With his appearances in Iceman and pretty much anywhere else I would say he is staying the villain who only has the more

All-New Wolverine #30

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: Jan 31, 2018

•  The final epic battle between Wolverine, Daken and the Orphans of X!
•  It all ends here.
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (5)
RustonLF - Feb 6, 2018

I have never really liked Daken before, but I think I only knew him from Dark Avengers. Are there any other stories he was in that I should check out that might win me over?

Lady_Joy_Hill - Feb 9, 2018

Try Wolverine Origins, where it was his first appearence as well. Uncanny X-Force is a great example as well. And there's Collision, the first time he and Laura ever met, where it was established that all they had between each other was a mutual respect, not some unexplained, out-of-nowhere sibling love.

Lady_Joy_Hill reviewed All-New Wolverine #26 Oct 27, 2017

Imagine there was a comic in which Laura was featured in. She’s different than we know her to be; say, she’s cruel, bitchy, and doesn’t care about others at all. Nothing has ever happened to explain this change. She goes down in the second page by some random crew, as if she’s incompetent. One of her legs (where her signature claw is) is chopped and she can’t grow it back. Awful, right? more

All-New Wolverine #26

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: Oct 25, 2017

The mysterious and deadly ORPHANS OF X continue to unfold their terrible plan for LAURA and those close to her...but how are they connected to WOLVERINE? And what do they know about LAURA and her past? Also featuring the charismatic and deadly son of Logan - DAKEN!
Rated T+

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Wolverine Origins #30

By: Daniel Way, Mike Deodato Jr.
Released: Nov 26, 2008

The groundbreaking conclusion to ORIGINAL SIN is here! Wolverine's battle with the Hellfire club reaches its climax and Professor X is one step closer to uncovering the dark secrets locked away inside Logan's mind!

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Wolverine Origins #29

By: Daniel Way, Mike Deodato
Released: Oct 29, 2008

To find his son Daken, Wolverine fight his way through the Hellfire Club!

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Wolverine Origins #28

By: Daniel Way, Mike Deodato Jr.
Released: Sep 24, 2008

Revisit Logan's time in the Weapon X Program, his first encounter with the Hulk, and his induction into the X-Men!

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Wolverine Origins #35

By: Daniel Way, Braithwaite
Released: Apr 22, 2009

“WEAPON XI” During the darkest days of the Cold War a weapon was forged; more powerful, more fearsome and more adaptable than any the world had ever seen. The world has since changed…and so, too, must the weapon that could one day destroy it. Evolution cannot be stopped, but there is one man –Wolverine, for ...

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Wolverine Origins #36

By: Daniel Way, Doug Braithwaite
Released: May 27, 2009

WEAPON XI PART 4 Wolverine races to stop Daken from undergoing the procedure that will turn him into the ultimate weapon! But will saving his son's life cost him his own?

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Wolverine Origins #48

By: Daniel Way, Will Conrad
Released: May 26, 2010

“RECKONING,” CONCLUSION Revenge. It is what has motivated Wolverine for over a century. But now, with that revenge within reach…is it really what he wants? More importantly, is it really what he needs? A new era begins as Wolverine finally considers his future instead of his blood-stained past. Parental Advisory …$2.99

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Wolverine Origins #50

By: Daniel Way, Will Conrad
Released: Jul 28, 2010

THE SERIES CONCLUSION! It’s the end of an era, a story years in the making, and as one journey ends, another begins. With his quest for revenge now concluded, Wolverine embarks on a new journey…towards salvation. Parental Advisory …$3.99

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Lady_Joy_Hill reviewed Wolverine Origins #49 Oct 12, 2017

*sigh* I wish Daken was written half as good nowadays... yet another one great character destroyed.

Wolverine Origins #49

By: Daniel Way, Will Conrad
Released: Jun 23, 2010

“WHAT I DO,” Part 1 (of 2) His past finally behind him, Wolverine now turns to face another, more terrifying challenge: His future. Don’t miss out on the beginning of the end, part one of the last chapter of a story years in the making! Parental Advisory …$2.99

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Bitch Planet: Triple Feature #4

By: Marc Deschamps, Mindy Lee
Released: Sep 20, 2017

DeCONNICK & DE LANDRO PRESENT: THE TRIPLE FEATURE! A badass bevy of killer creatives storm the stage...! This month's issue takes on sports culture, cosmetic surgery, and your regularly scheduled backmatter. 100% Grade-A satire. Ground to the bone.

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Lady_Joy_Hill reviewed Black Science #32 Oct 12, 2017

I seriously LOVE it!!! Remender is one of the best comic book writers ever!

Black Science #32

By: Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera
Released: Oct 11, 2017

Grant spent his life rationalizing and avoiding his small, personal problems by trying to fix the grandiose ones. In his mind, this sacrifice is necessary. If he didn't save the world, his family wouldn't have a future. But now, even that has backfired, leading Grant to a showdown with a boundless army and him...

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Lady_Joy_Hill commented on this:
BloodyNinja reviewed All-New Wolverine #25 Oct 12, 2017

This issue is not a 10, but some dumbass just rated 1 for it and that's pretty unfair.

All-New Wolverine #25

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: Oct 11, 2017

DAKEN, the enigmatic son of Logan, has been kidnapped and it's up to the ALL-NEW WOLVERINE to find him. But when the trail leads Laura, a genetic clone of the original Wolverine, back to the FACILITY where she was created and tortured, she will find new horrors waiting for her.  Who are the ORPHANS OF X and what do...

+ LikeComments (2)
Ambaryerno - Oct 12, 2017

Yeah, that one looks like a copy-paste of a 1-star review from Comicvine.

Lady_Joy_Hill - Oct 12, 2017

You don't know me and clearly you haven't read why I gave this rating.

Lady_Joy_Hill reviewed All-New Wolverine #25 Oct 11, 2017

Sorry to say it, but it's terrible. Nothing interesting, faaaar too many inconsistencies (the facility where they made Laura was destroyed long ago), and if you ever loved Daken, get ready to get really angry, because they've turned him into a weak ass character just to show off Laura's "better" skills. Those writers have absolutely no idea of his character, his skills, his past or even his appear more

All-New Wolverine #25

By: Tom Taylor, Juan Cabal
Released: Oct 11, 2017

DAKEN, the enigmatic son of Logan, has been kidnapped and it's up to the ALL-NEW WOLVERINE to find him. But when the trail leads Laura, a genetic clone of the original Wolverine, back to the FACILITY where she was created and tortured, she will find new horrors waiting for her.  Who are the ORPHANS OF X and what do...

+ LikeComments (4)
Lady_Joy_Hill - Oct 12, 2017

The facility was SHOWN being destroyed, back in her own series, if I'm not mistaken! And also, smartass, there are other ways to show off. Just like by showing us Daken falling into the most ridiculous trap I've ever seen in the comics. And if you had the smallest idea of his actual character (and not whatever this is they're doing here) you'd know that he would have killed everyone in that place. Daken doesn't need saving. Daken is the person that would work with the villain.

RustonLF - Oct 12, 2017

I wouldn't say he fell into the trap, he mentions it is a trap. I think it is meant to be them taking advantage of his overconfidence. That said I could see where such a light team taking him down could be insulting for a fan of the character.

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