Oh, what a tangled web he weaves! And some of comics' most individual voices tug on the strands in a collection of Spidey stories that shift the focus firmly onto his many foes! Can the web-slinger survive the body-switching horror of the Thousand? After twenty years working for the Kingpin, what's the severance package? And is the world ready for an intelligent, romantic Rhino? A cab driver wrestles with what to do with the knowledge of Spidey's secret! The wall-crawler counts the human cost of a battle with Electro! The secret history of Crusher Hogan, villains swap stories at the bar, J. Jonah Jameson takes to the shrink's couch, and more!
Some stories are cool, some are bad, but it's definitely something to collect if you are a Spider-Man fan and you want to see him and his world with a different eyes.