It's as if the visual spectacle covered the bad writing.
She is JEAN GREY. She is PHOENIX. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from NOVA brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance...and whatever Jean does ...
The Comic Is Amazing!!!
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
Why did you make 4 accounts to rate two comics, Scarlet Witch and Phoenix?
Os fãs da Jean fizeram o mesmo