Wanda fans are so childish, I'm sure you didn't even read this
Mesma história de sempre e conceito ruim, história patética.
She is JEAN GREY. She is PHOENIX. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from NOVA brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance...and whatever Jean does ...
She is JEAN GREY. She is PHOENIX. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from NOVA brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance...and whatever Jean does ...
It's as if the visual spectacle covered the bad writing.
She is JEAN GREY. She is PHOENIX. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from NOVA brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance...and whatever Jean does ...
Why did you make 4 accounts to rate two comics, Scarlet Witch and Phoenix?
Péssimo, sempre tendo que se escorar em outros personagens.
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
e onde eu disse que você fez review negativa ou falei mal de hq da wanda? kkkkkk pare de achar que tudo é sobre voces.
Another edition with a forced script and played anyway
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
Phoenix #1 é um recomeço incrível para Jean Grey e a Força Fênix. Stephanie Phillips faz um trabalho fantástico ao levar Jean Grey a novos patamares, equilibrando perfeitamente sua humanidade com a quase onipotência da Fênix. A história é profunda e intrigante, embora alguns leitores possam achar o ritmo um pouco irregular.
A arte de Alessandro Miracolo, com as cores vibrantes more
She is JEAN GREY. She is PHOENIX. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from NOVA brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance...and whatever Jean does ...
A segunda edição da nova HQ da Feiticeira Escarlate, com roteiro de Steve Orlando e arte de Jacopo Camagni, é um deleite para os fãs e uma obra-prima em si.
Orlando, um escritor conhecido por sua habilidade em explorar a rica tapeçaria da cosmologia da Marvel, eleva a narrativa a novos patamares. Ao abordar os seres Nexus, ele não apenas resgata elementos cruciais da mitologia da more
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
Art is ok but the writing is really bad. Didn't like.
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
The art is beautiful but Steven continues to have difficulty developing the elements of his story in an interesting way.
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
I love how Orlando has taken up old concepts from Wanda's story, the concept of Nexus and their connection with the Queen of Never was brilliant
Jacopo's art is incredible, the last page is magnificent
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
There is a certain excellence in Steve Orlando's writing. It rescues facts and proposals that were not addressed in the best way in the past. Giving them a new layer and expression. It's been a long time since I've seen a screenwriter write such a good plot for Wanda and I feel happy to be able to read each issue. Wanda deserves more writers like him and deserves for her story to be as well told amore
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
This wasn't really one of the relaunch's titles I was looking forward to, but it was a pleasant surprise! Philips & Miracolo make a convincing case for Phoenix as a benevolent space god of ambiguous reputation pulled between Jean's humanity and the Phoenix's wisdom, and Curiel's colors are exquisite. A strong recommendation if you're into the space opera aspects of X-Men
EDIT: Kinda con more
She is JEAN GREY. She is PHOENIX. She saves the world. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: she yearns to. A desperate S.O.S. from NOVA brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole, where hundreds of lives hang in the balance...and whatever Jean does ...
STEVE ORLANDO'S SCARLET WITCH RUN REIGNITES! The Scarlet Witch has carved out a haven for herself in upstate New York, but it's all about to go up in flames. Wanda's newfound peace has drawn the wrath of a primal force unlike anything she's ever faced before, and it won't stop until it razes Wanda's world to the ground. It's a clash of titans as Wa...
another terrible issue seriously Orlando? honestly just give Wanda a brand new writer Steve just don't get her
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
Belissima finalmente sendo colocada acima dos nexus chorem Fenix fãs kkkk
The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
The comic is a frantic and exciting start to a superhero comic.
Although it starts off a little slow, its action at the end of the issue offers a mix of emotions worthy of a comic book reader.
The issue breaks expectations that the heroes always need to win and can't let anyone die, well, civilians die and the ending is quite suggestive, I can't wait to read the next issue.
STEVE ORLANDO'S SCARLET WITCH RUN REIGNITES! The Scarlet Witch has carved out a haven for herself in upstate New York, but it's all about to go up in flames. Wanda's newfound peace has drawn the wrath of a primal force unlike anything she's ever faced before, and it won't stop until it razes Wanda's world to the ground. It's a clash of titans as Wa...
Você deveria sentir vergonha por avaliar algo negativamente só porque não gosta da personagem, escroto
Vonty.. vc fez a exata mesma coisa com a hq da wanda