The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+
I am LOVING what Steve Orlando is doing with this run! It's mystical, it's hard-hitting, it's beautiful. Involving the Queen of Nevers with Wanda was such a great choice and a creative way to showcase Wanda being even more of a badass than she already is. I can practically hear the third edition calling my name as a sit here wanting more and more. Read Full Review
Scarlet Witch #2 is such a refreshing reading experience. The biggest reason for that is how Steve Orlando and Jacopo Camagni maximize tapping into the unlimited potential of Marvel's magic realm. Read Full Review
Camagni delivers some great art in the issue. I love the visual styles of the worlds the characters inhabit. There is wonderful visual variation that is immersive. Read Full Review
Though she's dead, Wanda's got her brother as well as a couple of other mutants known for not following orders, and a familiar foe blocking the road home. Very much worth the time, especially if you've been here since Volume 3, Number One. Read Full Review
Steve Orlando's script carries us from one threat to another with only a few narrative snags, all while introducing some components that will only make the series better going forward. Wanda Maximoff's latest chapter continues to display promise. Read Full Review
Wanda meets the Queen of Nevers, an abstract being, and sister of the Griever, the being who will still survive at the end of all things. We find out the Queen of Nevers happens to exemplify possibilities, whereas the Griever is the ultimate embodiment of order, so having these two opposite forces being a part of her world is very fascinating. Especially with the revelation that Wanda is the avatar of the Queen of Nevers. Could we meet the Grievers avatar? Could they be Wandas opposite? So many questions. Read Full Review
Perfect Wanda it's becoming what it was destined to be, what a perfect fight this is against the supreme wizard.
Perfeita 😍
Incrível 😍😍😍
A hq possuía uma ótima arte, a interação de Wanda Maximoff com a Grivier foi boa , praticamente a Scan dá Polaris ferindo a Grivier também foi ótima , tomare que tenha mais interação entre Wanda e a rainha do nunca e que aproveitem mais a Polaris na luta contra Grivier para torna lá mutante nível ômega , o desenvolvimento do conceito de ser Nexus e seu desenvolvimento está ótimo também , Wanda preste a se torna o ultimate Nexus
So good, steve Orlando is amazing
This issue continues the fantastic story building Orlando has been rising up since Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver along with delicate artwork. Issue 2 expands the cosmological lore of the Marvel Universe in a brilliant way, while reconnecting Wanda with her past as a Nexus Being. Unexpected guest appearances and the thrill delivered from the last issue’s final panel deliver an element of surprise that will surely keep its readers expecting for great things in issues to come.
This issue literally gagged so good, second issue didn't disappoint Orlando one of the best writer 💓💓
The build up of Wanda's lore, re introducing her NEXUS BEING title & adding more on her lore is exciting.
Wanda's PRIMORDIAL CHAOS is finally VERBATIMLY CANNON in this comic issue, so i gave it 10.
The Scarlet Witch comic book is a true gem in the comic universe, with stunning art that captures the character's magical essence and delights on every page. The writing, still developing, is becoming increasingly captivating, with a well-constructed plot and engaging dialogues that keep readers eager for more. The Scarlet Witch is portrayed with rich complexity and depth, promising a surprising evolution in the narrative. Overall, this comic is a visual and narrative delight, a must-read for any comic book fan.
Mais uma vez Steve orlando arrasando como a Wanda! Explorando e trazendo conceitos que por muitos eram esquecidos e também dando uma nova cara e repaginada para esses conceitos! Também mostrou que a Wanda tem uma ligação profunda com a Rainha do nunca, não só por ser um Nexus! Mas também por Never Queen ser sua patrona, Supervisora e Fonte de conhecimento! Trazendo mais uma vez que a Wanda é a energia do caos puro/ primordial.
A segunda edição da nova HQ da Feiticeira Escarlate, com roteiro de Steve Orlando e arte de Jacopo Camagni, é um deleite para os fãs e uma obra-prima em si.
Orlando, um escritor conhecido por sua habilidade em explorar a rica tapeçaria da cosmologia da Marvel, eleva a narrativa a novos patamares. Ao abordar os seres Nexus, ele não apenas resgata elementos cruciais da mitologia da Marvel, mas também corrige os equívocos de roteiristas anteriores. Sua reverência pela Never Queen é evidente, e ele a coloca no centro de uma trama complexa e envolvente, que finalmente dá aos seres Nexus o respeito e a profundidade que merecem.
A arte de Camagni é nada menos que deslumbrante. Cada página é uma obra de arte, c more
Acertaram muito no artista, os detalhes estão incriveis. A Wanda verde voltando foi muito legal, e Never Queen te amamos.
Simplesmente adorei!! A arte me faz delirar em seus detalhes, a coloração é impecável e a escrita trabalha bem com seus elementos. Steve sabe que está indo pelo caminho certo.
I loved the comic, congratulations to Jacopo for his wonderful and fluid art
A HQ é o Máximo, a arte é realmente incrível e a escrita impecável.
There is a certain excellence in Steve Orlando's writing. It rescues facts and proposals that were not addressed in the best way in the past. Giving them a new layer and expression. It's been a long time since I've seen a screenwriter write such a good plot for Wanda and I feel happy to be able to read each issue. Wanda deserves more writers like him and deserves for her story to be as well told as it is now. Sorry for the mistakes, Samsung's translator is still being tested haha.
Maravilhoso. Quadrinhos bem feito, com história incrível. Aguardando ansiosamente pelo próximo.
The best Writing
Wanda so love
I love how Orlando has taken up old concepts from Wanda's story, the concept of Nexus and their connection with the Queen of Never was brilliant
Jacopo's art is incredible, the last page is magnificent
The art is perfect along with the writing and script, simply incredible. I loved
Uma história que sem dúvidas terá um fim grandioso para a personagem, Steve está trilhando um caminho nunca antes visto para personagem, isso a torna uma das personagens mais gostosas de ler sobre..
Belissima finalmente sendo colocada acima dos nexus chorem Fenix fãs kkkk
Another great comic
The Comic Is Amazing!!!
Maravilhoso enredo e história incrível, mal posso esperar para o próximo capítulo.
I just wish they stayed with one series instead of like 4 in less than a year
Art: 4/5
Story: 3/5
Total: 7/10
The art is beautiful but Steven continues to have difficulty developing the elements of his story in an interesting way.
Another edition with a forced script and played anyway
horrorosa e chata nem a arte salva
I love wanda, but the story is tiring and nothing innovative.
Péssimo, sempre tendo que se escorar em outros personagens.
another terrible issue seriously Orlando? honestly just give Wanda a brand new writer Steve just don't get her
Art is ok but the writing is really bad. Didn't like.