Lucas's Profile

Joined: Jul 17, 2024

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Vonty reviewed Scarlet Witch #2 Jul 17, 2024

Péssimo, sempre tendo que se escorar em outros personagens.

Scarlet Witch #2

By: Steve Orlando, Jacopo Camagni
Released: Jul 17, 2024

The Scarlet Witch is trapped in a realm where her survival depends on the strength of her will - and the benevolence of its overseer, the Queen of Nevers! And Darcy Lewis, convinced Wanda's never coming back, chooses to bet Lotkill's survival on the aid of a sworn enemy...
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (5)
Lucas - Jul 17, 2024

e onde eu disse que você fez review negativa ou falei mal de hq da wanda? kkkkkk pare de achar que tudo é sobre voces.

RickingCraft - Jul 18, 2024

Vc acabou de falar q eu tmb preciso de carteira de trabalho

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