Liking that the change of pace hasn't really chnged the tone of the series, the scheming and dynamics are still very fun.
The child of Mister Miracle and Big Barda has been heralded as the only one capable of ending the war between vampires and humans...or so Granny Goodness says. Has her savior narrative just been a smoke screen for the arrival of Darkseid?
I thought this was going to be filler stuff and it's one of the coolest thing this Elsewrold's has done.
TWO SIDES OF THE SAME STORY, SHOWN HERE IN ONE INCREDIBLE SPECIAL! Wonder Woman, child of Themyscira turned vampire, and Alfred, Butler of the Waynes turned Green Lantern. Their paths couldn't be any different. But for each, a chance encounter will force them to reexamine what it means to survive in a world ruled by darkness. Showcasing two sides o...
THE TRUCE IS OVER AND THE WAR IS HERE! Green Arrow, Damian Wayne, and the rest of the heroes bring the fight to Batgirl and her blood-sucking army. With the world on a collision course with total destruction, a new foe enters the fray...and they're on the hunt for Mister Miracle. The vampire/human battlelines are about to be permanently redrawn!
THE VAMPIRE STRONGHOLD FINALLY COMPROMISED! Green Arrow and his team successfully infiltrate the vampire strong-hold, but their victory is cut short when they discover the horrifying secret that's long given vampires a lethal edge over the human resistance. The truth is greater and more terrible than anything they could have possibly imagined--and ...