THE TRUCE IS OVER AND THE WAR IS HERE! Green Arrow, Damian Wayne, and the rest of the heroes bring the fight to Batgirl and her blood-sucking army. With the world on a collision course with total destruction, a new foe enters the fray...and they're on the hunt for Mister Miracle. The vampire/human battlelines are about to be permanently redrawn!
It all builds to an explosive finish and an unexpected arrival that will completely unbalance the playing field. Read Full Review
Overall, DC vs. Vampires: World War V #6 is a satisfying, albeit brutal, conclusion to the series. It delivers on the promise of a decisive battle and leaves a lasting impact on the DC Universe. Fans of the series and those who enjoy dark, action-packed stories will find this issue a fitting end to the vampire war. Read Full Review
DC vs Vampires: World War V #6 is a turning point in the series, just like its predecessor. And just like its predecessor, while things will seemingly shake the status quo of this world, there is little to no indication that the changes made will lead to an improvement in the overall story. Darkseid shows up as the next big thing to hype this series up, which just goes to show how overexposed the villain has become. With seemingly unending threats on the horizon, this series risks falling into a misery fest that isn't worth caring about. Read Full Review
Continues to be very good. The banter is fun, the tension has some very good build-up all-out battle was great and the series still manages to keep the intrigue with soem plot points that can go in intresting directions. After all it's said and done, I think this was an amazing issue.