Adam Anderson's Profile

Joined: Mar 28, 2017

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Adam Anderson added X-Men: Blue (2017) to their pull list Jun 23, 2017

X-Men: Blue (2017)

Join MARVEL GIRL, CYCLOPS, BEAST, ICEMAN and ANGEL as they reclaim the title of X-MEN. After the world-shaking events of IVX, the original five X-Men are here to bring mutant criminals to justice and restore a heroic sheen to their team. But with a new leader in JEAN GREY and a new mentor in their "arch-frenemy" MAGNETO, will ol...

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Adam Anderson reviewed X-Men: Gold #6 Jun 23, 2017

GOOD IDEAS: I definitely see plenty of good ideas. 1. A.I./Sentinel hybrid that attacks everyone because everyone's body contains genetic mutations. CHECK. Rachel needing to grow. CHECK. Bringing in more of the great characters available to liven up the book like Pixie and Gambit. CHECK. Interpersonal/emotional attachment and development. CHECK. The problem is that even though these ideas are all more

X-Men: Gold #6

By: Marc Guggenheim, R. B. Silva
Released: Jun 21, 2017

• The perfect mutant-killing machine has MUTATED.
•  As the X-Men fight for their lives against the most fearsome SENTINEL yet, one X-Man decides to do the unthinkable!
•  Will it take the life of one X-Man to save the rest?
Rated T+

Adam Anderson reviewed X-Men: Gold #3 May 19, 2017

X-Men Gold #3: The X-Men become MUTANT TERRORISTS!!!

I could talk about all the standing and/or walking around of talking heads written by people who's biggest concern is the proper blend of non-GMO organic beans in their coffee. This is NOT how people behave when they are running into a battle with their LIVES at stake.

Kitty (I use that term loosely, this isn't that Katheri more

X-Men: Gold #3

By: Marc Guggenheim, Ardian Syaf
Released: May 3, 2017

•  Who will be left standing after the world's mightiest mutants throw down?
•  And when the dust settles, not everything is as it seems...
Rated T+

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Adam Anderson reviewed X-Men: Gold #1 Apr 8, 2017

This comics is bad. The art looks good in individual panels but the characters still stand around most of the time doing nothing. STATIC. But the 'writing' is worse than bad, it's TERRIBLE. How did Terrax get here? I don't know. Why is he here? I don't know. What does he want? I don't know. But what is worse, the 'writer' of this comic book CLEARLY believes that the answers to these questions DON' more

X-Men: Gold #1

By: Marc Guggenheim, Ardian Syaf
Released: Apr 5, 2017

Xavier's dream comes full circle as KITTY PRYDE takes the reins and assembles a squad of the most iconic X-Men to fight at her side. STORM. COLOSSUS. NIGHTCRAWLER. OLD MAN LOGAN. PRESTIGE. They are X-MEN GOLD! And they're on a mission to be Earth's finest heroes, even when tha...

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VanessaLivingstone rated X-Men Prime #1 Mar 29, 2017

X-Men Prime #1

By: Marc Guggenheim, Ken Lashley
Released: Mar 29, 2017

In the wake of their war with the Inhumans, the X-MEN are at a crossroads. Where do they go from here? Luckily, one beloved X-Men has the answer to that question: Xavier's dream comes full circle as KITTY PRYDE returns to the X-Men, ready to lead them in their mission to protect a world that hates and fears them. The nex...

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Adam Anderson - Apr 1, 2017

All these ridiculously high scoring and wordless ratings seem AWFULLY suspicious to me

Adam Anderson reviewed X-Men Prime #1 Apr 1, 2017

Here's what works in this issue: the art is generally good. The lines are crisp, the colors pop, and panels and layouts flow with a sense of both motion and power.

The downside: Ken Lashley is treading just a little too close to the MTV-ization of our favorite mutants in that every single character looks a little too generically perfect and beautiful.

Remember how awkward an more

X-Men Prime #1

By: Marc Guggenheim, Ken Lashley
Released: Mar 29, 2017

In the wake of their war with the Inhumans, the X-MEN are at a crossroads. Where do they go from here? Luckily, one beloved X-Men has the answer to that question: Xavier's dream comes full circle as KITTY PRYDE returns to the X-Men, ready to lead them in their mission to protect a world that hates and fears them. The nex...

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Adam Anderson added Nova (2016) to their pull list Mar 28, 2017

Nova (2016)

CLASSIFIED makes his roaring return to the Marvel Universe! How will Sam Alexander cope with this unfathomable homecoming? It's the return you've all been waiting for. Or is something...else? Strap in True Believer, you've never seen a NOVA book like this before!
Rated T

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Adam Anderson reviewed Ultimates 2 #5 Mar 28, 2017

Let's be simple and clear: Ultimates2 #5 SUCKS. The plotting is bad. The writing is bad. The art is bad. Ultimates2 #5 seems to epitomize the new Marvel. The dialogue is either generic or just plain awful. Once again, Marvel has produced a comic book that in addition to being bad is also boring. As I sit and read, I find myself FORCING myself to turn the page.

Why am I still reading thi more

Ultimates 2 #5

By: Al Ewing, Travel Foreman
Released: Mar 22, 2017

• Philip Nolan Vogt has a decision to make - one that will either save the Multiverse, or damn it forever to somewhere beyond hell.
•  Philip Nolan Vogt is only human...
•  Extra! At the end of this issue, you will know the name of the Cosmic Jailer. Heaven help you.
Rated T+

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Adam Anderson added Ultimates 2 (2016) to their pull list Mar 28, 2017

Ultimates 2 (2016)

    Who - or what - is the Cosmic Jailer? What being is powerful enough to chain Eternity itself? That is the mystery Galactus must solve - before it's too late. Ultimate problems require ultimate solutions, and Galactus will call on those who helped cure his insatiable hunger. Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Blue Marvel, Spectru...

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