NerdForceOne's Profile

Joined: Sep 27, 2017

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NerdForceOne reviewed Redneck #14 Sep 27, 2018

Cates has been getting a lot of well-deserved love. Some of those readers should jump over to this series and give it a gander. They will like what they find.

Redneck #14

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Aug 22, 2018

After the events of last issue, Bartlett will forever be a changed man. Can the Bowmans and July's family ever co-exist? And what in the hell is the Parliament of Elders?

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NerdForceOne reviewed Redneck #10 May 14, 2018

This is one of those books I've been pushing onto others. I really hope the readership is strong and there is enough energy to carry this series into the future.

Redneck #10

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Feb 28, 2018

With the Bowman clan otherwise occupied, their human familiars Phil and Evil take the wheel, fighting federal agents and vampires alike, all in the name of family.

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NerdForceOne reviewed Redneck #12 May 14, 2018

This book has held steady at maximum legit. I hope the creative team continues to rain glorious story arcs down upon us.

Redneck #12

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Apr 25, 2018

In the smoldering fallout of last issue's shocking ending, the Bowman clan must escape the tide of blood licking at their heels. But not everyone is fast enough to outrun the crashing waves...

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NerdForceOne reviewed Redneck #6 Sep 27, 2017

I've very much enjoyed this arc. The art is loose and takes on an expressive quality that pairs well with the terrific family drama Cates lays down with a horror backdrop. Legit work that has kept me entertained the past six months. I look forward to more.

Redneck #6

By: Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren
Released: Sep 27, 2017

 END OF STORY ARC! "DEEP IN THE HEART" reaches its blood-drenched finale! All the death and destruction the Bowmans have caused finally leads the authorities to their little farm. Surrounded by cops with no way out, is this the end for the Bowman clan? Surely, Granpa will have something to say on the matter...

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