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Joined: Sep 13, 2019

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Cube reviewed Fantastic Four #570 Sep 17, 2024

I have been reading the Hickman universe and love that I finally have gotten to this run. This was an awesome start.

Fantastic Four #570

By: Jonathan Hickman, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Aug 26, 2009

Brand new creative team - Brave new comics experience! Be there as Marvel's newest exciting creator, Jonathan Hickman, teams up with superstar artist, Dale Eaglesham, to give you the Fantastic Four experience you've been waiting for! It's adventure, it's family, it's tough questions in dark times...See what happens when Reed Richards tries to SOL...

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Cube reviewed 20XX #1 Jun 16, 2024

Love a lot of the Luna created books and this was no exception. Good concept and the first issue does a good job of sucking you in while building on characters.

20XX #1

By: Lauren Keely, Jonathan Luna
Released: Dec 4, 2019


From JONATHAN LUNA (ALEX + ADA, GIRLS, THE SWORD) and LAUREN KEELY, in her writing debut, comes an all-new ongoing series!

This sci-fi thriller for mature readers imagines a not-so-distant future-a world of norms and syms, divided by fear. Syms, a small percentage of the population with telekinetic abilities, form...

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Cube added Jonathan Hickman to their creator watch list Jun 16, 2024
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Cube reviewed The Marvels #1 Aug 17, 2021

I understand the story building and have faith it will all come together. However, not sticking around for issues, need to wait for trades.

The Marvels #1

By: Kurt Busiek, Yildiray Cinar
Released: Apr 28, 2021

Kurt Busiek (MARVELS, Astro City) is back, with the biggest, wildest, most sprawling series ever to hit the Marvel Universe, telling stories that span the decades and range from cosmic adventure to intense human drama, from the street-level to the cosmic, starring literally anyone from Marvel's very first heroes to the...

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Cube rated Saga #47 Aug 17, 2021

Saga #47

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Released: Sep 27, 2017

Meet Ianthe, who has very big plans for The Will.

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Cube reviewed Saga #34 Aug 17, 2021

I love hazel.

Saga #34

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Released: Feb 24, 2016

New friends are silver...

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Cube rated Blackbird #3 Aug 17, 2021

Blackbird #3

By: Sam Humphries, Jen Bartel
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Nina thought magic was just cool spells and hot guys. But magic turned out to be so much more. Don't miss this issue's heartbreaking cliffhanger!

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Cube reviewed Captain America #25 Aug 17, 2021

This would have received a much higher rating had I read it when it first came out. You can’t keep a good man down.

Captain America #25

By: Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting
Released: Mar 7, 2007

Leaping from the final pages of Civil War, this is the *only place* readers can find out what happens next in the life of CAPTAIN AMERICA!
Trust us, folks, this oversized 25th issue will stun readers and send shockwaves through the entire Marvel Universe for the next year!

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Cube rated Bone Parish #5 Aug 17, 2021

Bone Parish #5

By: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf
Released: Dec 26, 2018

The war between the Winters and the Cartel continues its bloody rampage. With the terrible power of the Ash behind them, the Winters stand a decent chance. But Ash is not without its dangers, and some of them are already falling to Ash Madness...

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Cube reviewed What If?: Magik #1 Aug 16, 2021

Great narrative brought down by inconsistent artwork.

What If?: Magik #1

By: Leah Williams, Filipe Andrade
Released: Oct 31, 2018

Before she was Magik, Illyana Rasputin was just a kid whom Limbo chewed up and spit out seven years older. So it's no surprise that, at 15, she wants nothing to do with the X-Men...nothing to do with the New Mutants...and nothing to do with her own powers. It's not even surprising that she runs away... but where - and who - she ends up? Well, that'...

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Cube reviewed Green Lantern #2 Aug 16, 2021

Great art but found the narrative to be quite dull. Love the lava green lantern.

Green Lantern #2

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Someone is transporting a mysterious cargo out of the Great Void, and it spells trouble for the universe at large! Hal Jordan interrogates a member of the Spider Guild for answers and uses his pheremones as an interrogation tool, but can he extract the info in time?! Meanwhile, Volgar Ro makes a play for Earth while its emerald protector is off-wor...

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Cube reviewed Gamma Flight #1 Aug 16, 2021

Was looking forward to learning these characters, but found this to be very boring.

Gamma Flight #1

By: Al Ewing, Lan Medina
Released: Jun 23, 2021

Gamma Flight had one job: Find and stop the Hulk. But when push came to smash, they sided with the Green Goliath-and the human world intends to make them regret it. Puck, Absorbing Man, Titania, Doc Sasquatch, Dr. Charlene McGowan and a horribly changed Rick ...

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Cube rated Morning in America #1 Aug 16, 2021

Morning in America #1

By: Magdalene Visaggio, Claudia Aguirre
Released: Mar 6, 2019

The year is 1983. A series of disappearances afflicts Tucker, Ohio following the opening of a mysterious new factory. But when the town finds itself under siege from strange monsters, it's up to intrepid girl gang of no-account teen delinquents to try and figure out what's happening-and save everyone's lives before it's too late.

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Cube reviewed Barbaric #2 Aug 16, 2021

This was fun but not as good as the first issue. It lost some of the humor and was a little more serious. This is by no means a bad issue whatsoever.

Barbaric #2

By: Michael Moreci, Nathan Gooden
Released: Jul 28, 2021

More blood! More mayhem! More monsters! Will Owen storm the abbey with Soren the witch? Will axe get drunk on blood? Yes! And you're going to love it.

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Cube reviewed Blackbird #4 Aug 16, 2021

Gorgeous Sana Takeda variant cover makes this worthwhile. The story is running slightly thin at this point and hopes it picks up.

Blackbird #4

By: Sam Humphries, Jen Bartel
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Between pulling back the veil on the magic underground and learning shocking secrets from the past, Nina can't even right now. Also, she's terrible at flirting, and that's getting in the way of making out with Clint.

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Cube rated Crowded #1 Aug 16, 2021

Crowded #1

By: Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein
Released: Aug 15, 2018

SERIES PREMIERE! Ten minutes in the future, the world runs on an economy of job shares and apps, including Reapr: a crowdfunding platform to fund assassinations. Charlie Ellison leads a quiet, normal life until she's suddenly targeted by a million-dollar Reapr campaign. Hunted by all of Los Angeles, Charlie hires Vita, the lowest-rated bodyguard on...

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Cube rated Web Of Venom: Ve'Nam #1 Aug 16, 2021

Web Of Venom: Ve'Nam #1

By: Donny Cates, Juanan Ramirez
Released: Aug 29, 2018

As the United States of America struggled through the Vietnam War, Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. needed a secret weapon - and when an ancient creature was discovered at an archaeological dig site, he was sure he'd found it. In reality, the discovery was an ancestor of the Klyntar symbiotes...and would become a wa...

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Cube reviewed Leviathan #2 Aug 16, 2021

The detailed art is great and the silly narrative works. Not sure what happened but this series was never completed.

Leviathan #2

By: John Layman, Nick Pittara
Released: Sep 5, 2018

While Ryan DeLuca tries to piece together exactly how his friends summoned a giant monster, government defense forces take the fight to the depths of the Earth, where monsters dwell. Then, of course, they piss off the wrong monster.

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Cube rated The Long Con #1 Aug 16, 2021

The Long Con #1

By: Dylan Meconis, Emilee Denich
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Five years ago, a cataclysmic event obliterated everything within a fifty mile radius of the Los Spinoza Convention Center-including the attendees of Long Con, the world's biggest (and longest) comic convention. But unknown to the outside world, the con-goers not only survived, they kept the convention going. When proof of their survival surfaces, ...

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Cube rated Old Lady Harley #1 Aug 16, 2021

Old Lady Harley #1

By: Frank Tieri, Inaki Miranda
Released: Oct 24, 2018

After liberating New York City from her now-feral Gang of Harleys, poor Harley wants nothing more than to slip back into retirement in her coastal (and heavily guarded) paradise. But the Laughing Boys Gang has another idea-they'll follow her to the ends of the Earth, to drag her back to their leader! It can't actually be...him! Right?! He couldn't ...

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Cube reviewed Dark Red #1 Aug 16, 2021

Feels like a comic version of true blood.

Dark Red #1

By: Tim Seeley, Corin Howell
Released: Mar 20, 2019

Charles "Chip" Ipswich isn't one of those coastal elites with a liberal arts degree and a job at a social media start-up who knows where all the best brunch places are...
No, Chip is one of the "forgotten men." He lives in a rural area in the middle of the country where Jesus still has a place at the dinner table and where factories send jobs t...

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Cube rated Bone Parish #3 Aug 16, 2021

Bone Parish #3

By: Cullen Bunn, Jonas Scharf
Released: Sep 26, 2018

The Winters knew making a drug from the ashes of the dead could have deadly consequences - but now that drug may be the only thing that can help them save their family from the Cartel. But will they survive this deadly gambit?

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Cube rated House Amok #1 Aug 16, 2021

House Amok #1

By: Christopher Sebela, Shawn McManus
Released: Aug 29, 2018

Ten-year-old fraternal twin Dylan Sandifer and her family have fallen down a rabbit hole full of secret implants, conspiracy theories, Mandela effects, extradimensional invaders, and organ thieves. As the attacks against them intensify, the Sandifers light out on a cross-country search for answers and salvation, blazing a bloody path of torture,&nb...

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Cube rated Saga #49 Aug 16, 2021

Saga #49

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Released: Feb 28, 2018


The multiple Eisner Award-winning series returns with a spacefaring adventure about fake news and genuine terror. Get ready for the most shocking, most impactful chapters of SAGA yet.

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Cube rated Heroes In Crisis #1 Aug 16, 2021

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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Cube reviewed Saga #52 Aug 16, 2021

You just can’t help falling in love with these characters.

Saga #52

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Released: May 30, 2018

Danger approaches.

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Cube reviewed The Nice House on the Lake #2 Aug 16, 2021

The layers keep unraveling…this has been so good.

The Nice House on the Lake #2

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez
Released: Jul 7, 2021

After the life-changing events of the previous issue, the guests at the nice house on the lake must decide their next steps-but there’s not exactly perfect agreement about the situation. Who among them is ready to walk out the door? And who is content to simply…float?

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Cube reviewed Parasomnia #1 Aug 16, 2021

Fell victim to issue 1 problems, not a lot given and the narrative was very confusing. Disappointed with this one.

Parasomnia #1

By: Cullen Bunn, Andrea Mutti
Released: Jun 30, 2021

From Cullen Bunn (Harrow County) and Andrea Mutti (Prometheus, Starship Down), comes a new dark fantasy tale of two worlds split between dreams and reality.

After his son disappears, a broken-down man braves a nightmarish dreamscape in order to find him-and battle the ruthless cult that seeks to rule the land of dreams as the barrier betwe...

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Cube rated Yasmeen #1 Aug 16, 2021

Yasmeen #1

By: Saif A. Ahmed, Fabiana Mascolo
Released: Jul 22, 2020

Iraq, 2014. Life couldn't be better for 16 year-old Yasmeen as her family is able to buy a big new house. Then ISIS invades Mosul.  Yasmeen's Shia family barely escapes, while Yasmeen us captured by terrorists and sees her uncle executed. Yasmeen is sold to an ISIS fighter as a slave and must relinquish her innocence in order to save her three ne...

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Cube reviewed Saga #50 Aug 16, 2021

Low key celebratory issue hits all the right notes.

Saga #50

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
Released: Mar 28, 2018

To help their friends, Hazel and her parents risk everything to visit a dangerous new world. Celebrating 50 consecutive issues by the same award-winning creative team. Plus, the winners of the latest SAGA COSTUME CONTEST are revealed exclusively in "To Be Continued," the letters page showcasing the best readers in comics!

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