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Joined: Jul 27, 2014

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Dr Fated reviewed Earth 2: World's End Vol. 1 May 23, 2015

Tom Taylor's EARTH 2 VOL 5: THE KRYPTONIAN finally wrapped up the initial storyline that kicked off the series with great success and much satisfaction. Ending up being a terrific set up for the new Justice Society team of the New 52.

This new weekly title spins out of that ending. This volume collects the first eleven issues of the weekly. DC's had a long history of doing weekly books more

Earth 2: World's End Vol. 1

By: Mike Johnson, Various

The first volume collecting issues #1-11 of the hit weekly series delves into the world of Earth-2 a world that saw its greatest heroes die and new ones take their place. A world where Superman became its greatest villain, and a man named Zod seeks to save it, along with Batman, Green Lantern, The Flash and other heroes. A world they can only save...

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Gonzo, audacious brilliance! The smartest, cleverest, funniest, wholly original, hard SF Avengers title in years and years. Big love for this little masterpiece of super-herodom. Accessible. You don't need to be an Avengers fanatic to enjoy this book. Bright, bold and colorful and full of hope, friendship and adventure.

Lovely, very lovely, quirky artwork. Something like the genius art more

Avengers A.I. Vol. 2: 12000 AD

By: Sam Humphries, Andre Araujo

The war between organic and artificial intelligence destroys the world of tomorrow! Dimitrios, vengeful scion of Hank Pym and Ultron, downloads destruction in his quest to eradicate civilization - but the Vision's squad teams with the Uncanny Avengers to infiltrate the Diamond and stop the metal menace from going global! Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s e...

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Utterly original and exciting. A lovely dose of Hard SF.

Avengers A.I. Vol. 1: Human After All

By: Sam Humphries, Andre Lima Araujo

Hank Pym’s triumph has turned to tragedy — an unfathomable Pandora’s Box of destruction! When a brave new world is unleashed, only one team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes can save us from the future: Avengers A.I.! Featuring the Vision, Hank Pym, Victor Mancha, Doombot, the mysterious Alexis and Monica Chang, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.! As the Sent...

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Dr Fated added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Rick Remender to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Neal Adams to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Sam Humphries to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Grant Morrison to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Andre Araujo to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Frank Quitely to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Jonathan Hickman to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Greg Pak to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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Dr Fated added Jim Starlin to their creator watch list Jul 27, 2014
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