geekgirlcomics's Profile

Joined: Mar 24, 2021

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geekgirlcomics reviewed Poison Ivy #9 Feb 10, 2023

I have been expecting this issue since it was announced in the solicitations, had very high expectations, and it did NOT disappoint! G Willow Wilson clearly knows these characters very well, and has a lot of love for them and their relationship. Marcia Tamara’s art is breathtaking, and does a fantastic work in visualizing the clear love these two characters share. This is probably the issue I’ more

Poison Ivy #9

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Feb 8, 2023

IT’S THE ISSUE YOU’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! That’s right! Ya girl Harley Quinn-doctor, fashionista, heroic criminal, criminally insane clown, and Poison Ivy’s girlfriend-has arrived on the West Coast to spend some quality time with her number-one squeeze! What sort of wildly lascivious and lavishly ludicrous madcap mayhem will the DCU’s f...

geekgirlcomics reviewed Harley Quinn #24 Nov 23, 2022

This is the best arc in this series so far. It’s funny, gripping and intense at times and Philips does a great job at balancing it all. Lolli’s art is fantastic and fits the tone so well. Love all of Harley’s expressions. The ending was shocking, I’m looking forward to see how this arc will end.

Harley Quinn #24

By: Stephanie Phillips, Matteo Lolli
Released: Nov 23, 2022

Like the old Russian proverb says, if you wanna catch a killer, kidnap a different killer and force them to walk you through their process until you eventually find the person who murdered you in cold blood on your newly renovated Gotham ferry...point is, I'm makin' Victor Zsasz help with my murder mystery and this Sherlock and reluctant Watson are...

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Gio - Nov 29, 2022

This was an especially good issue I enjoyed myself! The last two issues were great too, so hopefully the series stays consistent, then it will be fun reading for a longtime hopefully!

geekgirlcomics added Harley Quinn (2021) to their pull list Jul 28, 2021

Harley Quinn (2021)

Ahem! You better read this closely, ’cause we’ve got a red-hot relaunch on our hands here-and I should know! Harley Quinn here to let everyone know that I got a brand-new monthly series here with a brand-new status quo. I’m coming back to Gotham City to make up for the sins of my past, and help the city recover from “The Joker War”!

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geekgirlcomics reviewed Harley Quinn #1 Mar 24, 2021

As a Harley Quinn fan, it's been years since I've enjoyed a Harley issue from her ongoing series this much. Stephanie truly understands Harley, and Rossmo's art really grew on me. A really strong first issue.

Harley Quinn #1

By: Stephanie Phillips, Riley Rossmo
Released: Mar 24, 2021

Ahem! You better read this closely, ’cause we’ve got a red-hot relaunch on our hands here-and I should know! Harley Quinn here to let everyone know that I got a brand-new monthly series here with a brand-new status quo. I’m coming back to Gotham City to make up for the sins of my past, and help the city recover from “The Joker War”!

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