Pedro's Profile

Joined: Jul 14, 2021

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Pedro reviewed Venom #19 Jul 15, 2021

Damn, that was an intense issue. It was difficult to see any kind of solution/happy ending, but now there is no hope at all. Flash better get some help because it seems too much to handle it.
Cover- 7
Story- 9
Art- 8

Venom #19

By: Rick Remender, Lan Medina
Released: Jun 20, 2012

Flash Thompson and Betty Brant are on the run and there’s nowhere to hide! Venom’s secret identity has been compromised... both to his enemies AND his friends! Cullen Bunn (WOLVERINE) teams with series regulars Rick Remender & Lan Medina as the Savage Six stage their most brutal attack on the people closest to Flash Thompson!

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Pedro reviewed Venom #18 Jul 15, 2021

I could feel the stress that Flash was experiencing to find and save Betty. I personally don't like the"Tetris-guy", but well.
When everything seemed bad, Eddie/Toxin arrives, great haha. And the gasp of the volume... Flash reveals himself as Agent Venom to Betty. I kind of expected to happen, but still was shocking and cool. I really enjoyed it.
Cover- 7.5
Story- 9 more

Venom #18

By: Rick Remender, Lan Medina
Released: May 16, 2012

Venom faces a battle the likes of which he has never seen before! With Crime-Master uniting some of Marvel U's most devious villains, it looks like Venom could use as much help as he can get. Where that help comes from, however, may shock you!

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