Pedro's Profile

Joined: Jul 14, 2021

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Overall Rating
Venom (2011) #18

Jul 15, 2021

I could feel the stress that Flash was experiencing to find and save Betty. I personally don't like the"Tetris-guy", but well. When everything seemed bad, Eddie/Toxin arrives, great haha. And the gasp of the volume... Flash reveals himself as Agent Venom to Betty. I kind of expected to happen, but still was shocking and cool. I really enjoyed it. Ratings: Cover- 7.5 Story- 9 Art- 8

Venom (2011) #19

Jul 15, 2021

Damn, that was an intense issue. It was difficult to see any kind of solution/happy ending, but now there is no hope at all. Flash better get some help because it seems too much to handle it. Ratings: Cover- 7 Story- 9 Art- 8

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