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Joined: Jan 26, 2022

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Meraz Reviews reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #89 Feb 16, 2022

This issue kept me craving for more, the art is outstanding and the dialogue very smooth and focused. I’m still intrigued by Queen Goblin and believe that she has potential to be a great villain but it will all depend on how they use her the next few issues. Her powers so far have been average and nothing out of this world but we’ll have to wait to see how threatening she really is.

Amazing Spider-Man #89

By: Patrick Gleason, Mark Bagley
Released: Feb 16, 2022

• After her first showdown with Ben Reilly, Queen Goblin now faces THE BLACK CAT!
•  This will be a showdown for the ages - as you see just how horrifying this queen's reign will be.
Rated T+

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Meraz Reviews reviewed Devil's Reign #4 Feb 9, 2022

Loved it! The ending is outstanding and simply keeps you wanting more. I love the way so much characters are handled and seeing their point of view regarding Fisk's abuse of power is great. The main plot moves slowly and the big payoff is not delivered until the very last page but overall a great issue to keep the story going.

Devil's Reign #4

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Feb 9, 2022

Wilson Fisk, duly elected Mayor of New York, has broken. Whatever shred of decency that may have been left of him is gone entirely and now, with an army of super villains at his command, THE KINGPIN has set his gaze upon everyone the heroes of the Marvel Universe hold dear - but even the Kingpin is unaware of the magnitude...

Meraz Reviews reviewed Iron Man #16 Jan 26, 2022

Bringing in the cosmic power and Iron Man together has definitely been one of the highlights of the series and this issue continues to explore that along with Tony's journey to find himself. The dialogue is interesting and the ending of the issue simply keeps you hooked for more. I'm not a huge fan of the way they are building up Tony to eventually have everything blow up in his face, it feels to more

Iron Man #16

By: Christopher Cantwell, Julius Ohta
Released: Jan 26, 2022

The Iron God arrives back on Earth, intent on making his homeworld a better place for all. Finally, Tony Stark has the power to realize all of his best ideas and intentions...but perhaps the Power Cosmic might enable his ego in ways never seen before. It's up to his mortal allies to decide: Is the Iro...

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I didn't really expect much from this issue but to be honest I was incredibly surprised. The chemistry between MJ and Black Cat is outstanding, the humor in the story is fantastic and the development of the plot makes total sense. Everything feels right in the issue, definitely worth the read if you're looking for a simple and entertaining one-shot.

Beyond: Mary Jane & Black Cat #1

By: Saladin Ahmed, C.F. Villa
Released: Jan 26, 2022

• Black Cat has been kidnapped, and the only person who can save her is... MARY JANE WATSON?!
•  Mary Jane has never liked Felicia Hardy, and now she has to save her life?!
•  But remember, this is the Black Cat we're talking about. Things are never quite what they seem.


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Meraz Reviews reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #87 Jan 26, 2022

Kind of a filler issue with certain important details, I would say probably average with the pace and storytelling. The character development in this issue for Peter and Ben will give you a better understanding for the final part of the Beyond Arc.

Amazing Spider-Man #87

By: Jed MacKay, Carlos Gomez
Released: Jan 26, 2022

With NYC reeling from Doc Ock's attack, Captain America and Black Cat need to know something…if Ben Reilly is really down, is Peter Parker able to step up and be Spider-Man again? You may think you know where this story is going, but you do not.

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Meraz Reviews added Amazing Spider-Man (2018) to their pull list Jan 26, 2022

Amazing Spider-Man (2018)

An alien invasion hits New York City and the only one who can stop it is...Spider-Man?! But that's far from all you'll find here -  a revelation from the past puts Peter Parker's job, relationships, and whole life in jeopardy! And if even that's not enough, you'll see a new roommate, new love interests - and a new villain! Spider-Man goes back to...

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Meraz Reviews added Devil's Reign (2021) to their pull list Jan 26, 2022

Devil's Reign (2021)

The story that's been building for years is here! Wilson Fisk went from Kingpin to Mayor of the biggest city in America and is going to bring his full criminal and political power to bear on the super heroes who call NYC home. The man who once destroyed Daredevil has set his sights on The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, Jessi...

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