Leeluhlee's Profile

Joined: Jun 06, 2015

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Batman (2011) #41

Jun 11, 2015

Pulling off a new take on Batman is no easy feat. There have been many attempts over the course of Batman's 75 year history but very few that stand out as true achievements. DC's decision to have the new armoured Batman was a stroke of pure genius. But the real props for this accomplishment have to go the creative team of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, who have such a fantastic grasp of Jim Gordon and know the exact path that they want to take him on. They use Jim Gordon's doubt of the new Batman status quo as a voice for the readers who may have doubted this new set-up and as Jim is eased into his new role as Gotham's protector, the reader begins to believe that this could actually work! By the end of the issue I was sold that THIS is the new Batman, whether Bruce Wayne returns or not. I cannot wait to see what Bat-Gordon gets up to next!

Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #1  
Batgirl (2011) #41  
Bizarro #1

Jun 6, 2015

An absolutely awesome start to this mini-series. I love the dynamic between Jimmy Olsen and Bizarro! In many ways it feels like the return of the Saturday morning cartoon, I just want to devour some sugary cereal and watch as the chaotic action unfolds!

Justice League (2011) #41

Jun 6, 2015

Geoff John's has had an awesome Justice League run that continues with a storyline he has been teasing us with the for the past couple of years. In a surprisingly dark and serious first part to The Darkseid War storyline we see the Justice League dealing with multiple plot points that seem disconnected, but in a very "Geoff John's" way it all comes together in a fast-paced, shocking way that leaves readers desperately clambering for more. Jason Fabok has to be the most suited artist for the book so far. He captures the dark, personal moments delicately and knows how to layout a fantastic, eye-popping fight scene in ways Jim Lee could only dream of. I can't wait for more!

Starfire #1

Jun 11, 2015

I read this entire book with Hynden Walch doing Starfire's voice. I couldn't help it...The team of Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti have already crafted a fantastical and whacky read in the pages of Harley Quinn and now they've turned their attention to a character that hasn't exactly been treated well by DC or it's creative teams in more recent years. The new and revamped Koriand'r is almost cartoon-like in her new setting. The cute thought bubbles that narrate her immediate impressions of phrases are the perfect way to introduce us to the thought process that goes behind the slave-turned-princess' actions. I cannot wait for more!

Thor (2014) #8  
Constantine: The Hellblazer #1  
Doctor Fate (2015) #1  
Green Arrow (2011) #41

Jun 6, 2015

It is to my surprise that Green Arrow seems to have found it's own little corner to tell a story that doesn't feel to reminiscent of anything else DC has going on right now. The street-level horror vibe really feels like a good direction for me and I cannot wait to see what the rest of this 3 part arc has to show us. As an added bonus to the writing, Patrick Zircher's art is absolutely beautiful.

Martian Manhunter (2015) #1  
Midnighter (2015) #1

Jun 6, 2015

Midnighter (2015) #2

Jul 1, 2015

We Stand On Guard #1

Jul 1, 2015

We Stand On Guard #2

Aug 5, 2015

Action Comics (2011) #41

Jun 6, 2015

A Superman for the people is just what DC needs to keep him relevant in the age of Batman. Kudos to DC for being brave enough to give this a try. Aaron Kuders art is perfect for the muscular Man of Steel and Greg Pak the voice of Superman down pat! Cannot wait to see what comes from this new storyline and status quo!

Action Comics (2011) #42

Jul 1, 2015

Black Canary (2015) #1  
Prez (2015) #1  
We Are Robin #1  
Aquaman (2011) #41  
Gotham Academy (2014) #7  
Green Lantern (2011) #41

Jun 6, 2015

As someone who checked out of Green Lantern around 3 issues into Robert Venditti's run, I was skeptical about coming back. I just didn't personally enjoy the direction that the writer was taking Hal Jordan previously. This new arc has Hal Jordan cast out of the Green Lantern corps and utilizing some sort of prototype gauntlet. The issue had a nice blend of action, drama and comedy that kept me entertained and I will definitely return for another issue or more if, for no other reason than to find out more about the shocking reveal at the end of the issue.

Batman / Superman (2013) #21

Jun 11, 2015

A slow and awkwardly paced issue but Greg Pak writes Superman so comfortably that I'm okay with this issue being used solely as a set-up for a much larger battle in the next one. As an added bonus Ardian Syaf's art is absolutely stellar here.

Batman Beyond (2015) #1

Jun 6, 2015

Batman Beyond (2015) #2

Jul 1, 2015

Deathstroke (2014) #7  
Wonder Woman (2011) #41  
Earth 2: Society #1  
Detective Comics (2011) #41

Jun 11, 2015

I love a team assembly book and cannot praise the return of Renee Montoya enough, but the pacing of this issue just felt off. That paired with the awkward art in this book just made it a disappointing read from probably one of my top creative teams.

Superman (2011) #41  
Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #18  
Wonder Woman (2011) Annual #1  

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