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Joined: Oct 24, 2015

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Wonder Woman (2011) #45

Oct 24, 2015

There is spoilers in this so if you don't want to know, don't read it. There's so much going wrong with this comic at the moment. The theme that comes up in this comic repeatedly is domestic abuse. Aegeus talks about it during his fight with WW in the start and Donna confronts the guy whose been abusing Violet. In both scenes the idea isn't terrible but the execution fails. Why is it that Aegeus, a teenage boy who as far as we know has no formal combat training beating the crap out of WW? And Why is WW simply taking the lumps while spouting a moral lectures? Yes, Wonder Woman prefers to settle matters with peaceful resolutions, but there's a difference between trying to help someone with boundaries and being a fool. After trying to kill her three times (and nearly succeeding) You'd think Diana would have the common sense to stop treating Aegeus with kid gloves and at the very least defend herself. Instead we get a big two page spread of WW get punched in the face, pages that could've bee used to show some back and forth between the hero and villain. Then there's the underlying symbolism in the Aegeus and WW fight scene. Aegeus is carying on about how his mother was abused by his father and that she, like Wonder Woman, just keeps coming back and taking it. After pummeling WW a few more times we see Diana, on her hands and knees in puddles of her own blood, looking up at Aegues and trying to compel him to stop. When its clear that Aegeus is still intent upon killing her, it looks like WW is finally going to get up and take initiative... only Strife steps in and does it for her. This scene portrays WW as a battered woman, unwilling or unable to stop her abuser until someone else steps in to rescues her. That's a horrible misrepresentation of a character whose supposed to embody women's strength. Donna's scenes with Violet are just as bad. One, there's fuzzy logic sprinkled throughout Donna's scenes. For instances why doesn't she just

Wonder Woman (2011) #48

Jan 27, 2016

This is another unremarkable comic from the Finches. Like 47, this is a one shot comic. It reintroduces Dr. Poison, one of Wonder Woman's oldest villians but does so in the worst way possible. First of all, Doctor Poison is originally a Japanese woman who disguises herself as a man, in this reinventing she's turned into a blonde and blue eyed Russian in generic evil villian lady military garb with an axe to grind with the US. Only... her reason doesn't make sense. Her parents were Russian scientists who were approached by US spies with offers to work for them. Her parents refused and their government rewarded they're loyalty by, locking them up in a Siberian prison and torturing them to death. So why isn't she mad at Russia instead? Holes in logic like this are quickly becoming a staple of Meredith Finch. So this horribly generic Doctor Poison wants to kill the president with poison. She uses a cloaked drone to try and drop a canister of poison on the president and Wonder Woman stops it... sort of. The drone starts to drop and Wonder Woman cries out that she's not fast enough to stop it. What? One of the hurdles of writing for a hero like Wonder Woman is that she can do almost anything. She can fly fast and I'm pretty sure she can handle one drone falling to the ground a few feet away from her. Instead she lasso's and slams the drone into the ground while a couple secret service men cover up the president. That's a really messy way to deal with lethal poison gas. The conclusion of the comic is just eye rolling. Why would Doctor Poison be within visual range of the president if she's using a drone? Why would Wonder Woman give Doctor Poison a heads up before trying to capture her? Why would sending drugged civilians against Wonder Woman make a lick of difference when she can just fly over them? Why would Wonder Woman not have the presence of mind to wrest free from the civilians when they tried to jump her? Just how did Doctor Poison shru

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