Shiva's Profile

Joined: Jan 21, 2016

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Wonder Woman (2011) #48

Jan 21, 2016

The only reason I gave this issue a 4 was because of the art. If I was judging it only by the story it would be given a 1. The art is really good, but the story is so bad that it drags down the visuals. But hey, maybe I am being overly harsh, because if this was a story published under a Justice League animated banner, it would rank as a 7. It is the type of story where Meredith Finch literally spells out everything about the new villain named Dr. Poison. And it is a really cliché origin. Disgruntled daughter of wrongly convicted Russian scientists who die in prison. Girl grows up resenting America and plots killing the president with poison. Uses a drone to try to drop poison on the President. WW stops it. WW then chases bad girl through streets and catches her. While in custody, Bad girl (Dr. Poison escapes). It is a very simplistic one shot. In fairness to Finch, it is a great starter comic for young girls just getting to know Wonder Woman and a new rogues gallery, but I would expect such plot lines in an animated or children's book featuring the amazing amazon. Last issue Wonder Woman senselessly chased the Cheetah around Paradise Island and discovered that there was a lone survivor of the Manazon massacre. The amazon zealot Donna Troy did not succeed in exterminating all the amazon men after all. By far the most logical continuation from last issue was to explore the sole survivors story. WW failed him and his men. And she specifically told Anastanzio(? I think his name was) that she would go back for him. Thus, true to form, WW has once again lied to a manazon. Her first lie (assuring them they would be safe) led to their extermination and now her second has resulted in the abandonment of the sole survivor (who clearly needed medical attention as he was missing an arm!!). This series has really fallen off the rails. Meredith Finch does have some good story ideas but her execution is simply not up to the standard readers deserve regarding an ic

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