VirtuousMilo's Profile

Joined: Jun 01, 2016

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Overall Rating
America #1

Mar 2, 2017

This book is absolutely dull with a massive plot hole in it. Sure the wit is there every now and then but the story manages to forget the abilities of its own character... HOW?

Civil War II #1

Jun 1, 2016

If comic books like this are considered good... then I weep for comic books as a whole. With problems such as pacing, rushed writing and badly written dialogue I had trouble being invested then all of sudden BANG! Two character deaths out of the blue as if to drop the mic on how epic this story is going to be. Problem is that the character deaths lead to this Civil War and do little to support any reasoning whatsoever for fighting. Issue 1's tend to be highlights in the comic industry, but this is only acts as a reminder for why people dislike event comic books. But hey! The art is good.

Civil War II #2

Jun 18, 2016

The original Civil War was bad just for being disappointing, rushed to oblivion and failing to deliver the epic which Marvel tried to build it up to be.However Civil War 2 is bad in almost every department except the art.The plot is scattered and convoluted, it's riddled with plot holes and the character interactions are slowly becoming more and more nonsensical. While the dialogue here is better than the last issue I can't help but think this story is getting worse.

Titans: Rebirth #1

Jun 16, 2016

While not a lot happens in this issue, it manages to create a lot of tension and intrigue fairly quickly. There's enough character development and depth in the events transpiring to make you really feel for and care for these characters in a genuine way. This issue really shows Dan Abnett's skill at writing team based comics, because he does them really well. In the end these characters feel more like a loving second family rather than your usual league of vigilantes.

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