SavleCZ's Profile

Joined: Jul 14, 2016

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Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #15

Jul 15, 2016

On the scale of Slott's "bad again, good again" this one feels like a good one. It isn't, however, as much a conclusion for Regent story arc, as it is a setup for "Before Dead No More". It's still a great read, though. It was good to see the Iron Spider suit again and MJ using it actually made more sense when they explained it. Regent, however, was ultimately proved to be just another stupid weak villain despite having powers of almost everyone in the Marvel universe. But I guess that's just the problem with story arcs in which individual issues don't feel connected enough. The artwork is, as always, state of the art. Overall, I recommend you read if you u are invested in Spider-Man as a character.

Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #17

Sep 1, 2016

Oh boy, am I getting excited for Clonespiracy! Peter is just a background character in this issue and the spotlight goes on the Prowler. It fills in what the previous isssue missed and overall, it's a very readable and enjoyable story. I was kind of hoping that Slott would suprise us with the female Electro identity but it was exactly who we all knew it would be. The art is, once again, spectacular. Great issue!

Captain America: Steve Rogers #2

Jul 14, 2016

A very solid issue which serves as a great sequel to the first one. This book has become one of my most anticipated comics.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #3

Aug 2, 2016

Doesn't give you what you expected (both cover and description are completely false as someone else pointed out), but it's still a great read. Nick Spencer manages to capture my attention in a very strong way. I care about this book so much none of the others can compete it. Entertaining, well-written, overall a solid issue. With a great artwork.

Civil War II #3

Jul 14, 2016

Surprisingly great! After reading several reviews which were overall negative, I pretty much made up my mind about the issue before even reading it. This was, however, the best comic book I've read since Civil War ÏI #1. Bendis really exceeds himself as he neatly ties Murdock's interrogation with Tony's storytelling which finally fully divides Tony and Carol. 1,5 down because they were building up the "surprise" of who's gonna die besides all of us already knowing it and also for some unnecessary dialogue of the teen part of Avengers (yeah, this is supposed to be a crossover for all characters, I get that, it's just that there wasn't really point in seeing Miles Morales on too many panels with nothing important whatsoever). That being said, this series still lives up to the first Civil War. Hands down! PS: The art is (as always) gorgeous. My favourite all-time artwork along with current Amazing Spider-Man

Civil War II #4

Aug 2, 2016

Another awesome issue of this well-written series with gorgeous artwork. Still keeps all the elements that I liked in the previous ones, however, I don't like how Carol is portrayed too much as a villain (similar to Tony in CW I). This issue is really just one-sided and at the end of it, you find yourself agreeing with Tony no matter what side you were on before. The war has been properly set up and can begin next issue. It was about time.

Civil War II: The Accused #1

Aug 11, 2016

Great read! Nicely ties in into CW II. Both the writing and the art are awesome. I'm kind of disappointed there will be no #2, then again, this works better as a one-shot.

Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #2

Jul 15, 2016

A very solid Spider-Man comic. Bit weaker than the previous issue. It spends a lot of time with Clayton Cole and his personal life. So far, however, it doesn't give you any Spider-Man's development regarding the Civil War. It still feels like a setup to future issues.

Civil War II: Kingpin #1

Jul 15, 2016

A solid issue as an introduction into the book. The art is decent and Wilson Fisk looks intimidating.

Civil War II: Kingpin #2

Aug 4, 2016

Another good Kingpin book. The story is interesting, not sure about the art though. It still has far to being great. However, enjoyable read, I recommend it.

Daredevil (2015) #9

Jul 15, 2016

Flawless! Last issue was a very pleasant surprise and as they teased Spider-Man at the end of it, I was very curious about this one. And boy, was it a great one! We get a nostalgic classical Spidey/DD team-up and their dynamics together works just perfectly! Daredevil shows brighter side of his character as Spider-Man throws around his jokes and I was very happy abound the conclusion. Sudžuka's artwork is state of the art, I honestly can't imagine anyone else on a Daredevil comic. Fight scenes are a great balance between realistic and superhero-ish. Overall, this is a fun comic to read. It doesn't have any conclusion that would make you read another issue. It just gives you a lot of enjoyment.

Daredevil (2015) #10

Aug 11, 2016

Another awesome issue of Soule's great run! The artist changed, but actually, it's even slightly better, which I didn't believe was possible! The writing is great and I'm very curious about how this story arcs continues. If you're a DD fan, definitely pick this up!

Daredevil (2015) #11

Sep 9, 2016

I really enjoyed all this series has done so far (excluding that terrible annual) and this issue is not as good in terms of entertainment as the previous ones. It's still, however, a great read. The art is as beautiful as ever and the sinister story is rather tempting. Recommended.

Daredevil (2015) Annual #1

Aug 4, 2016

Soule's current run is awesome and I honestly expected something great. This is just plain, uninteresting story with characters I don't care about and terrible artwork. Very disappointed.

Spider-Man (2016) #7

Sep 1, 2016

Not enough Spider-Man in this issue. What we get from Miles and his cast, however, is a great fun. And the ending...I'm really looking forward to the next issue. Great art once again.

Spidey (2015) #10

Sep 9, 2016

Spidey is always a fun read and this issue is no exception. As most of the previous issues did, this one stars another marvelous cameo, this time Captain America. The dynamics between him and Spidey plays perfectly as they take down yet another bunch of bad guys. Overall, it's simple, relaxing and just very enjoyable. Recommended.

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