mja252's Profile

Joined: Aug 24, 2016

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Overall Rating
All-Star Batman #1

Aug 24, 2016

Snyder is the preeminent Batman writer, in my opinion (although King is proving to be taking that mantle.) This book, which I believe Snyder sees as his own "Long Halloween" from his interviews, is shaping up to be just that. What I really think sets this series apart, though, is the location. The lively art of Romita Jr. and the coloring is phenomenal. Batman is usually set in an ominous Gotham, mostly at night, with daytime scenes overcast by metaphorical shadows. Seeing batman in the light, in the country, is new and exciting. Really looking forward to where this series goes.

Batman (2016) #5

Aug 24, 2016

Up to this point in the series, I've been enjoying King's writing and Finch's fantastic art. But with this issue, I've truly become a fan. The philosophical musings of King are pretty apparently with the death of a certain character and the climactic fight over who or what Gotham really is. I'm in for the long hall now.

Vision (2015) #10

Aug 24, 2016

This book just keeps getting sadder and sadder, and I mean that in the best way possible. King's exploration of what it means to be human has made the Vision a true "Avenger." Seeking justice for his son's death, we'll see where the story leads us (and ends?!) in two more issues. What I find most exciting about each issue are the overlays of soliloquy or dialogue pasted on panels simply showing each character's emotions. Walta dose an excellent job in this respect. Kudos to Tom King for making a name for himself. This title is by far his most ambitious, and you can tell he's really putting in his all. If it's ending at issue 12, at that point it will go down as one of the greatest series Marvel has published.

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