Bmarzock's Profile

Joined: Jan 01, 2017

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Action Comics (2016) #977

Apr 12, 2017

It wasn't bad but it wasn't good. We don't get much. I think the story will build to some good stuff but ultimately we get Superman beginning again for the 1000th tims that appears to have changed very little AND we see someone getting a "sinister six" together for Superman. The outline of the person looks like it could be Manhattan but.....

Batman (2016) #20

Apr 11, 2017

Personally, I loved the arc. I love Tom King right now. But this issue built up to a head butt. That's it. I know there is a deeper meaning to this but I was just enjoying some crazy action, crazy story, and a built up that led to Bane getting knocked out by s head butt. Ok, so Batman may not have some type of honorable death wish anymore. So what? At least tell me something as to why the head butt knocks Bane out. Maybe a monologue from Batman saying how tired he can see Bane is.... maybe Batman monologues about Banes venom being all used up or how the villains took a toll on Bane through arkham. Give me a reason!!!! Tom king is doing great right now. This book would be in my $25 a month do or die pull list. But I wanted a better fight at the end.

Detective Comics (2016) #954

Apr 12, 2017

Liked the twist. I thought it would be more Orphan focused but it wasn't. Still great. It does a better job explaining why the worlds greatest detective was such a god damn idiot about the league of shadows, which was needed in my opinion. And the ending led to what I want to see.... the chickens are coming home to roost Bobbie Boucher!!!! Orphan is going to go nuts next issue!!! Good enough art.

Flash (2016) #12

Jan 2, 2017

This entire arc was all about the team up of Flash and Kid Flash. The villain was more or less themselves figuring out how to work together to stop shadows. More or less, this specific comic reminded me of a half hour WB cartoon episode. Even the art reminded me of a Saturday morning cartoon to a degree. With that being said, I grew up on Saturday morning cartoons! Kid Flash learns a new ability. Barry shows some interest in Iris. The arc was average. I'll continue to read .

Flash (2016) #19

Apr 11, 2017

Thank god the crocodile Dundee arc is done!!!! Honestly, these Reverse Flash issues were terrible. It was basically all about kid Flash and Boomerang. However, the last 6 pages were great and brings up the score. Spoiler free.... take a look. It's the only reason my score is a 7

Flash (2016) #20

Apr 15, 2017

Needs some work J-dub. The one shot is not bad and I understand a filler before the button. Whatever.... We all new Meena was somewhere that wasn't a shock. But a member of black hole? I guess we will see. Iris took them down pretty easy in my opinion. Art was ok.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #18

Apr 15, 2017

Honestly the issue was pretty bad until the end. Great end!! Jon as a leader is not doing it for me. Kyle is obvious going to get his groove back with Sornak.... but the Guy Arkillo thing is just getting lame. We need to move past it now.

Justice League (2016) #18

Apr 10, 2017

I'm sorry but what is going on in this book. So the 90's grunge chick is now the bad guy? Let's just call her Phoenix shall we. And poking a giant hole in Tempus ship magically stops all the timeless throughout time? Really? Even the art isn't that great. It's better than the writing but Superman looks like Sly Stallone for Pete's peppers. Justice League has been terrible. Ditch the Hitch!!!

Justice League of America (2017) #3

Apr 11, 2017

Instead of an arc about the characters working together, growing, and having a common enemy, this is about trying to help take back a country. This is more espionage than super hero. The last couple issues have been pretty bad to me.

Nightwing (2016) #18  
Scooby-Doo Team-up #3

Jan 4, 2017

This was fantastic and fun. I started reading this comic with my two boys every night before bed. We started doing this because the boys (5 and 3) love Scooby Doo and superheroes. Mixing together Scooby-humor with the 80's cartoony feel of Batman and the Super Friends is GREAT! The story had some zany antics with Bat-mite which lead the readers to try to figure out how Scooby and the gang would be helpful at all. Turns out, there is a Scooby-mite too! Same powers but obsessed with Scooby. Eventually the gang tricks them into leaving. But it ends with us finding another mite for Robin named...... Larry! It's a fun, and a quick read with great art throw backs to our oldies we loved growing up. Strongly recommend for you and your kids to read together or maybe just to relive your Mystery Machine memories from the past. Either way, go pick it up.

Scooby-Doo Team-up #4

Jan 5, 2017

The Titans have a ghost problem and of course, "Who you gonna call?"... Mystery Inc. After quickly realizing the ghost are actually Beast Boy and Cyborg playing tricks on them, the story jumps to both teams dealing with Ravens Uncle who stops in for an unexpected visit. This was a great cross over between Teen Titans Go and the Scooby gang. The best part to me was the art. It did a great job staying true to each comics art style. I also loved the jokes about the different Robins the Scooby gang has been teaming up with in these first 4 comics. Nice read for you and the kids.

Super Sons (2017) #2

Apr 11, 2017

Great beginning story to two young characters that D.C. Has set up to become the future of these characters that will truly be able to carry on there legacy. Great character drop ins as well. Great connection to Rebirth as well.

Teen Titans (2016) #6

Apr 11, 2017

Just ok. We see aqualad. Not bad. Beast boy comes off as an idiot and lets the press in the tower. He even goes as far as to tell them each heroes power set... again idiot. But King Shark is back!!!!

The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom #4

Apr 10, 2017

I was interested in this but I just want to no more about Captain Atom. I'm getting very little about his powers, how he originally got them.... point is I'm just left wanting more. However, I love that they drew the general to look like Keith David!!!!

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