WhoDooTV's Profile

Joined: May 07, 2017

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Overall Rating
Freeway Fighter #1

May 8, 2017

This looks to be the start of an Amazing run of GameBooks adaptations to comics for Andi Ewington! A solid start, and we believe it's only getting better! Freeway Fight #1 review https://youtu.be/SEN4K6Ty83w Andi Ewington interview https://youtu.be/tcY0EQpKwAU

Regression #1

May 8, 2017

I am very interested in seeing where this going. The art was good with no complaints on that. Story is intriguing, had you thinking of someone with mental health issues​ and then took a left hand turn. We know very little of the characters so far, but it has tons of room for growth to be a pretty awesome title.

Royal City #1

May 8, 2017

A comic book for any reader! The struggle is real when the death of a son and brother happens in this family. Here is our video of this book. https://youtu.be/ElKPbc801IQ

Royal City #2

May 8, 2017

This book just gets you right in the "feelers!" Jeff is doing some more magic again in this issue. Check out our video of this book. https://youtu.be/zfOR-QQMyCc

Stained #1

May 8, 2017

David and Yusuf came out the start swinging, and they connected with a very good first issue. Emma is a badass and we are excited for what is next for her. Is this a TV show yet??? 451 and this creating team has got something original and special in what has recently been a watered down genre. Check out our video review https://youtu.be/YDcoAlAjZwA

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