LP Murdock's Profile

Joined: Jul 05, 2017

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Animosity #9

Sep 7, 2017

Let me start by saying I love this book. From issue #1 I've been locked in and patiently wait for the next. However, I believe this issue #9 slowed down a tad bit for me since the series launched which is saying a lot. This issue still gives a surprise leaving us wondering about Sandor's feelings but for the most part there wasn't too much going on until the last 4 pages. Regardless, it's still progressing the story at a great pace which I love and I can't wait to pick up the next.

Babyteeth #4

Sep 21, 2017

Babyteeth just can't come out soon enough every month. This issue turns up the action and leaves me drooling for more, as usual. Donny and Garry have been scripting this series like a movie. The way my eyes glide over the panels just suck me into this world and it sticks in my head long after I've put it down. Beautifully written - I genuinely feel for Sadie's love for her child no matter the circumstances and this is mirrored by Heather's love for her sister in the same fashion. Keep it coming!

Black Hammer #13

Sep 24, 2017

Excellent issue. Definitely not a jumping on point, but for ongoing readers, this one's a real treat. We finally get a big revelation and my mind just can't help but to continue pondering well after I've put this issue down.

Bloodshot: Salvation #1

Sep 24, 2017

I know they've been harping on about this being a fantastic jumping on point, but I thoroughly enjoyed it because I've been reading Bloodshot since the 2012 relaunch. That said, AMAZING writing from Jeff Lemire. It's scripted masterfully as your eyes are easily stimulated panel by panel - you get sucked in and addicted to the story. The art is fantastic how they let Lewis LaRosa handle the "now" timeline and Mico throws down on the alternative timeline. Great visuals. Again, I've followed Bloodshot for some time and the cliffhanger at the end takes me back to previous story lines found in Colorado and Bloodshot USA. And for that reason, I'm totally in! I'm assuming it would leave a newcomer scratching their head though which is the only setback I can possibly think of.

Harrow County #25

Sep 21, 2017

Exciting and pleasing issue to continue the Harrow County tale. The writing never gets dull and starts off with a claustrophobic scene that Tyler Crook couldn't put together any better. Amazing. Also, the pacing of this issue is marvelous with scene switches from Kammi to Emmy to Emmy's flashbacks. Superb issue. I hope you've been reading since the start because #25 is such a treat.

Redlands #2

Sep 21, 2017

The first issue reeled me in completely showing me what these witches are capable of. But, this 2nd issue slowed down a bit. That's not a bad thing necessarily because we get introduced to a few new characters which seem to be very interesting and the beginning of the present time storyline. The first half of this book is engaging but it ends with a question mark in my head; I don't mean that in a pleasant way as I was genuinely confused. I'm looking forward to the next release.

Secret Weapons #4

Sep 21, 2017

This is a fantastic issue to wrap things up a bit. The writing is top notch and Eric continues to engage us panel by panel. The showdown between Owen, Nikki, Avi, and Rex-O was so entertaining and fulfilling to read through. Eric's style of writing comics is so fresh that I was smiling just reading through Owen's crow chase leading up to "El Vato". Brilliant. I'm excited to read some more Eric Heisserer work in the comics world.

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