Turbo Nerd's Profile

Joined: Dec 29, 2017

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America #1

Dec 29, 2017

So when your comics main appeal for people is focused purely on cultural diversity and being "queer" you may be doing something wrong... Putting these things in your comics isn't a bad thing, but its clear the author just forced the SJW agenda into her, wait that pronoun may offend her so we'll say it's, its comic to appeal to the emotional snowflakes rather than good writing or a proper plot. Everyone has to be gay and every event has to represent the fantasy world of an SJW. They even went as far as to (Possible spoiler) throw in a time travel twist for literally no reason but to punch a Nazis, furthering the warped world views of these groups as if fighting Nazis is still an epidemic of of our time. This comic is a great example of why those Marvel workers came out and apologized for forcing the sjw agenda down our throats.

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