Com' Cool N' Collected's Profile

Joined: Dec 31, 2017 About Me: I prefer quality over quantity and I can only manage so many titles at once! Often read my books in batches......late reviews better then no reviews.

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Action Comics (2016) #1025

Oct 20, 2020

I’d give anything to have the original Rebirth teams back on these books. Jurgens on Action and Tomasi on Superman. They wrote interesting and compelling tales for the man of steel. Then DC gave in to BMB and let him run rough shot over their work. Interested to see who falls in behind this mess.

Action Comics (2016) #1029

Mar 27, 2021

Daredevil (2019) #24

Nov 29, 2020

24 issues in and this comic continues to impress. Although a little weary of Matt/DD in prison again, I trust Zdarsky enough to see where he takes it. Furthermore, I think Zdarsky is painting a bigger picture here about the responsibility of those with power (cue Uncle Ben). Maybe its a story mirroring our current environment or maybe its just a comic about a blind super hero, either way interested to see how this plays out. Zdarsky manages the other characters in this book exceptionally well, with depth and character development of Fisk and Typhoid Mary. If you haven't jumped on board yet, well maybe you just don't like comics...

Eternals (2021) #1

Jan 10, 2021

I admit complete ignorance to Eternals. Knowing very little about these characters (by little I mean zero), the first issue was intriguing enough for me to stay on board. Character ignorance may be beneficial as it pushes us out of the comic book comfort zone. I recommend sticking with Eternals and enjoy the story telling. As stated in another review, this isn't a book about caped superheroes (although some wear capes...). I am a little concerned with Thanos as the big bad, but it Im in for now. Maybe Thanos can serve as the linch pin to ignorant Eternals fans, like me. I appreciate Gillen not spending the first issue trying to explain who, what and why. I trust his talent and believe he will do so in the coming issues. Ribic's art is always a delight, yet there are some moments that appear rushed or lack detail. Either way, I am on board for #2. Definitely recommend this book for something different.

Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #1

Jan 10, 2021

Not a terrible story, but does it matter. I know DC claims Future State will carry over, and I'm not opposed to Jon taking the mantle, but the way this first issue ran, it was tough to get through. The art was well done. Not necessarily underwhelmed but to quote the Office, "Im simply whelmed". I mean its not BMB..........

Future State (2021): The Next Batman #1

Jan 10, 2021

I think this could be a good run. No issues with the man behind the mask. The art was a let down for me it didn't match the story and fell flat. I also do not like the multiple stories in these issues. Are the authors struggling to get a full story here? None of these Future State runs will be on my pull list. We will see what March brings. God I miss Tomasi's Superman run......

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #8

Nov 29, 2020

Now I see why some people disliked the MCU interpretation. I enjoyed those movies, but I am finding the comic versions of GotG so much more complex. The GotG stories are much more than a "superhero" title. Al Ewing continues a great run on these characters. Now that Empyre is complete, I look forward to where he takes our heroes. This issue is quick, but no less well written and drawn. The dynamics between the teams and the other players in the universe carries the perfect amount of drama and intrigue. This book continues to have stellar artwork. Finally, Al Ewing writes a great Rocket! Tell your LCS to add this book to your pull list. Wont be disappointed.

Hellions (2020) #2

Aug 15, 2020

Enjoyed this book. I have no familiarity with any of the characters (I always wondered about Nanny -even before knowing her name). Great story, great art. It has a creepy vibe to it. Excellent ending with Wild Child and Psylocke. Interested to see where this leads.

Iron Man (2020) #3

Nov 29, 2020

First and foremost, Cafu's art is fantastic. Cannot say enough. I like the commentary on Tony/IM and the publics view of him. I remain on board as Christopher Cantwell continues to craft a good Iron Man story. I'm hoping things pick up in the coming issues.

Once & Future #12

Oct 16, 2020

This is such a fun comic. Originally limited to 6 issues, its ongoing success keeps it on my pull list. Kieron Gillen weaves a fantastic tale, and Dan Mora's art brings the story to another level. I look forward to this comic each month, and this issue doesn't disappoint. Pull it, you won't regret it!

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Jan 10, 2021

The story was light on character, had a incoherent plot and the art was ok. Ario Anindito drew better pages in Atlantis Attacks, but here the line work seemed rushed. I do not enjoy the main character trying to curse. The constant need for SW writers to throw in some space alien breed in lieu of a curse word feels forced. There is promise in The High Republic, but I'm approaching it with caution. I think its too easy for writers to revert to telling a similar story line from movies past but simply adding a fresh coat of paint. Interested to see where this story takes us.

Superman (2018) #29  
Wolverine (2020) #5

Sep 4, 2020

Wolverine is a difficult character to write. This issue, along with the current run, falls flat. Its not a bad comic, but not a run I want to continue to pull.

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