Supershamu's Profile

Joined: Feb 05, 2018

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Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #1

Feb 5, 2018

Having strayed away from comics since around Civil War I times, I came back recently to find the Marvel landscape unrecognizable and crammed with odd new characters piggy backing off the mantles of characters I loved instead of trying to create legacies of their own. While my adventure back into marvel comics was looking grim, I stumbled upon this and man was I pleased! A comic that wasn't like watching the news! Good old fashioned escapism at it's finest with surprisingly deep story telling. The focus of the fantastic four is still the strength found in family and friendship and the bond between these two (Ben and Johnny) is really growing. Can't wait to see where this goes!

Marvel Two-In-One (2017) #2

Feb 5, 2018

Loved the first issue and this really did not disappoint! Art work is great and the story is really compelling. Can't wait for wednessday to pick up the next issue. Can't rave about this enough in our current comic climate!

Ms. Marvel (2006) #2

Feb 19, 2018

Here we are, 2018 and I stumbled upon tons of issues of this run for dirt cheap at a Dimple records of all places. I wanted to read this when it first came out but never ended up doing it so I'll review the issues I end up getting. Also, I wish Comicbook round up would correct the cover pictures for this series so people wouldn't mistake it for the modern Ms. Marvels. Some of the reviews are actually for the newer series, not this one. Ms Marvel era Carol Danvers is definitely one of my favorite Marvel women...and not just for the incredible Frank Cho cover art. She is a likeable character that is always challenged greatly by what is put before her...even though she is very powerful. That is something that is lost in a lot of modern story telling. The actual issue art does not come close to the quality of Frank Cho's cover art but still gets the job done in my opinion. The story is not the most thoughtful, but the brood and their "predator like" pursuer I actually enjoyed. Things escalate quickly.

Rogue & Gambit (2018) #1

Feb 14, 2018

Just got the first issue and I totally enjoyed it. Artwork is great and the writer really captures the snarky chemistry we have grown to love between the two. The chemistry and banter probably is the greatest part of the story so far with a classic "man pursuing a woman" vibe to it. Definitely looking to see where it goes.

Rogue & Gambit (2018) #2

Feb 19, 2018

Great issue, great art and fantastic dramatic scenes. The fight scenes are awesome and this issue kicks up the stakes for this series 10 fold. Again, I love Rogue and Gambit's chemistry. What I am beginning to realize I love about the way this series is written is that the focus is on 2 characters...this give you so much more space to develop them and focus on telling a grand story rather than seeing just how many characters you can fit in one story. Can't wait for issue 3...this is officially added to my pull list.

The Silencer #1

Feb 5, 2018

I decided to check this out at the recommendation of some comic reviewers I really like and let me tell you, both the description and the cover art do not do the comic justice. The story actually really hooked me and has me wishing this series was at least bi-montly. While the story is just getting started, it holds great promise and has so many set ups for completely heart breaking moments. For those weary of this series due to SJW elements I say fear not! I found the main character to actually be extremely likable and mortal suffering broken ribs, cuts and bruses at the hands of larger foes. Her first fight she nearly blacks out due to her injuries. She is also a woman who holds nothing else above her family and being a mother, sort of a heartwarming story in that regard. She has an adorable son, pretty slick husband too. Overall I'm really excited to see where the story goes and how the character fits into the DCU.

VS #1

Feb 12, 2018

Fantastic artwork, great tactical action and some characters I could see myself really liking when I learn more about them. Most of all it is veeerry polished! Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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