Thomas's Profile

Joined: Apr 19, 2014

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Sorry people but no, they fucked up with the autism thing. In the files in the back of the issue it says that his IQ is under 70. So he is does not have Asperger Autism. Asperger people are insanely intelligent or their intelligence is comparable to the norm. There are other forms of autism where the people have a low IQ but not with Asperger. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Other than that nothing special about that issue.

Captain Midnight #0 Nov 14, 2014
Captain Midnight #1 Nov 14, 2014
Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #1 Nov 14, 2014
Harbinger: Omegas #3 Nov 14, 2014

This is great set up for what the Unity comic is supposed to be. Valiants grand Superhero team finally established in the world. They have a headquarter now(The most awesome headquarter in all of comics). A new member. New foes to fight. The art is great. The writing is great. Really recommended, even if you never read Unity.

This really sucked. Original Sin started actually quite good. Issue 0 and 1 were quite enjoyable reads but the series just got worse each issue. It's finally over. I don't recommend to read this. The art is fine, but that doesn't justify this horrible story.

Good introduction to the Watcher for people who don't really know what he is about. Not a necessary read for those who already knew. If you are a fan of the Sam Alexander(Nova) than you might wnat to pick this up since it has a revelation that is important for the character. The story is nicely told and i liked the sorta melancholic way the Watcher comes across. The art is nicely done. The only really weird thing are the Watchers eyes. They are either in shadows or when you can kinda see them they appear black. From what i have seen they should be white. Just a little weird thing on the side. Overall a good read.

I am really disappointed with this series. Seeing people rate it so high makes me sick. Don't get fooled just because this is written by a good writer. Warren Ellis really did not his best here. Why is this Issue so bad? Half of the comic is set up for the bad guy... we get dialog from people who are not relevant to the overall plot[because there is none, every issue was pretty self contained] and die half way through this book. One or two pages would be enough for that but no, half of the comic is just set up. Also there is a lot and i mean a lot of blank space. There even is one page that has only one image, the rest is entirely blank. I'm not kidding, you pay 4 bucks for this. The other half of the book doesn't have much dialog. We get a decent action scene with Moon Knight and the Sniper, who killed the people. That's it. 4 bucks for this. This is unacceptable. We don't learn anything about Moon Knight and since this Issue is self contained you don't even need to read it. Not every series has to work in arcs but if you have self contained one issue stories make them interesting by themself and ad something to the series overall. Moon Knight #2 doesn't do that. It's filler... that is all that it is. A filler issue. I could get over this if this wasn't ISSUE 2. Such a lame filler issue basically at the start of a series is just unacceptable. I was really hyped for this series, because i heard good things about Warren Ellis and Moon Knight seemed quite interesting, but it stops here for me. I'm not going to pay 4 dollars for something like this and neither should you. I had to drop the score from 2 to 1 because it just pissed me off. This issue is offensive. It is just a waste of time. There is no real Moon Knight in this Issue, you could put anybody in there and the only thing that would change is the brief fight scene. Hell you could put Batman in this Issue instead and it would play out the same. The worst issue i have ever read.

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