Frank's Profile

Joined: Aug 10, 2018

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Action Comics (2016) #1002

Aug 23, 2018

I totally agree with the review that said it is treading water. When Brian came over to DC I had hopes of him maybe doing Justice League or a single character such as Green Arrow or Wonder Woman. Now he has hinted at a team coming back but is it the Legion Or Justice Society? Don't go b me though. I don't consider this the real Superman. I don't know who he is. That series last year was confusing and I think DC made a mistake with this and it's one Rebirth figure I am surprised they are not fitting into the new changes. They could have left the original be. I enjoyed Pearl and look forward to Scarlet. Brian is taking the long view which I appreciate but I feel no connection from him to Jimmy or Perry and he acts like it. Bring the real superman back. Have Mr. Mxysilpick (I know it's not right) restore him.

Superman (2018) #2

Aug 10, 2018

Here we go again. Ivan Reis takes on another long term assignment. Wait the first 10 pages are done by two other artists. Seriously, I was going to by a treat for my shop guys if he made it to # 6 before I opened book. Do me a favor DC when you announce these issues in ads don't even put the artists names in. If you think Reis and Lee are draws forget it. Has Lee ever made it past # 8 recently. Maybe Ivan was too busy doing the cover to do inside. No excuse now. Not twice a month. Before you announce this stuff have three issues done. Miss the dys of Kirby, Adams, Kane Aparro etc when unless something happened and you had a fill in issue you could count on an artist. Jim Cheung does 3 issues of Justice League gone for 3,4,5 comes back for 6 gone for 7. Why bother? If the art is too detailed now maybe cut back your backgrounds and do more pages. people will adjust.

The Silencer #8

Aug 26, 2018

Does that kid jhave another name other than jelley bean? Talk about an overuse of a nickname. He must be following the Tami Hoag school of overuse. Lazy writing.

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