Branden's Profile

Joined: Jan 22, 2020

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Captain Marvel (2019) #19

Aug 13, 2020

Fantastic. This tie-in series is reason enough for me to subscribe to Marvel Unlimited. I'm so glad I'm catching up on this character's back issues.

Empyre #5

Aug 13, 2020

Overall, I like the event. The art is fantastic. I like how well-written the tie-ins are. The weekly reading experience, however, is somewhat lacking. Large gaps of story are missing at times, resulting in my sometimes lack of understanding or lack of caring. I want to care and I want to feel suspense, but I'm often not there. Incoming, for example, just led me from one idea to the next, and Road to Empire was rather ho-hum... until I read Empyre #1 and Hulking, and then reread the issues. Then I cared and was interested. But little things keep getting in the way. This issue's twist is given away in issue #4, so there is little impact there. I would love to experience the pain and suffering a character went through so I could care more, but I have to infer it instead. And another example of how the wind is taken out of the this issue's sails is how the advertisements for future issues 1/2 way through the story remove any sense of dread the end of this issue might possibly had conjured up. I'm sure I'll love this issue when I reread the series in its entirety, but reading it now is like watching a movie with a friend who tells you something awesome is about to happen right before every awesome thing happens.

Empyre: Savage Avengers #1

Jul 29, 2020

A fun story, but iirc Eddie Brock never makes an appearance in Savage Avengers. If that's the case, the premise is a bit off, but whatever. It is still a fun read.

Empyre: X-Men #4

Aug 19, 2020

What a good comic. I can't wait to reread the mini-series as a whole.

Lords Of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling #1

Jul 22, 2020

I had no desire to read this book, but I'm really glad I did. This is the perfect Incoming accompanyment and deserves to be read by anyone following the series. I'm usually not a fan of tie-ins, but this one really worked for me.

Web Of Venom: The Good Son #1

Jan 22, 2020

It's quite good. We actually get to see characters are reacting to the trauma of Absolute Carnage and it's unsettling. I'd love to see more stories like this, and see them go even deeper in exploring how kids deal with the messed up stuff they see, and the adults we consider heroes simply abandoning them.

Web Of Venom: Empyre's End #1

Nov 7, 2020

My 11yo son read this and loved every page. I can't ask for much more than that.

X Of Swords (2020): Creation #1

Oct 10, 2020

This isn't a start of an event. I'm rereading all my X-books beginning with House of X and Hickman and Howard have been dropping hints since House of X #1. No spoilers, but most of the X-Men and Excalibur runs are must reads. You might be lost otherwise.

X-Factor (2020) #4

Sep 30, 2020

Part 1 is a must read. I'm also rereading every X-book and a lot of confusing tidbits in past stories are beginning to make sense.

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