Daigo309's Profile

Joined: Mar 18, 2020

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Good issue, the history is involving more and more but i miss the good dialogues that had in the others issues.

Dan Slott... Well this guy extrapolate the limites of being a bad writer and a bad person this issue and the last run shows this totally clear. This issue is totally boring, nothing special happens, is just bla bla bla mole man, bla bla bla, my friend needs help. It isn't worth for $3,99. Dan Slott get out of fantastic four please. He don't know how use Reed Richards, i think that's 2 runs with Reed Richards being nothing special or just doing beautiful things. The characters don't need this. Get out of FF.

Hickman is trying to create a Mutant Wakanda. Let's see. (Yes i'm a little bit late)

House of X #2 Mar 18, 2020
Powers of X #1 Mar 18, 2020
Powers of X #2 Mar 18, 2020

(SPOILER) Ok i didn't read all. It's garbage, nothing new, nothing worth to read here, just Jessica fighting with bad guys that want to kidnap a aleatory girl with wheelchairs.

Strange Adventures (2020) #1 Mar 18, 2020

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