Clipsee 's Profile

Joined: Dec 30, 2020

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Jinny Hex Special (2020) #1

Dec 30, 2020

When I first saw this book came out I was very excited as Jinny is one of the new characters from DC I’ve liked a lot after reading issue 1 of Young Justice. However , this book goes totally off the rails by its end with a poor solution to its villain. This book is very pretty though and the colors were lovely.

Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #1

Dec 30, 2020

I’ve been waiting to get this book for a very long time and I’m finally pleased to have purchased it. I’m a huge fan of Mirka’s work particularly her art and that once again shines through in her work. It is absolutely gorgeous and the colors she picked are simply stunning. While this book has an interesting plot and it is only in its first issue at times the book felt like it jumped a bit all over the place. It also introduced way too many characters for one issue. Rory’s story seems to be the most heartbreaking and I wonder how it will develop.

Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #2

Dec 30, 2020

Issue 2 is immensely better with a more clear picture of what exactly is happening in Woodsburgh , Washington. Lady Hellaine’s character immediately becomes the star of this series with a clever sequence about what it’s like living privileged and wealthy. Which she doesn’t understand for good reason. Mirka’s art in this issue is once again beautiful and Hellaine and her dress in particular look absolutely stunning. When this book takes a turn and ups the horror it’s absolute riveting. I wish one of the action panels were a bit more clear but that’s a minor critique. Mirka knows what colors to use to draw you into the world she created. It will be interesting to see Lady Hellaine take on a new role in issue 3.

Something is Killing the Children #1  

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