Abrakadabra's Profile

Joined: Jun 22, 2021

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Action Comics (2016) #1036

Nov 9, 2021

The era of getting rid of Clark because with him around we will never sell my Jon, ever, begins. It starts interesting, I'll see how they kill Kal again on his 30th death anniversary last year.

DC All In Special (2024) #1

Oct 6, 2024

It is basically meta universal Snyder obsession again. Darkseid finds his true self again (like a freaking schoolgirl) again. Wait, when did it happen last time? Oh yeah, last Crisis... God damn it, Snyder is as repetitive as much as Batman writers try to strip him of everything Just hope Absolute Universe will slap regardless of it.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #12

Dec 27, 2022

It's weird to say but Rosenberg did a much better job on All Out War than Tynion on main title. In essence it's a generic story that isn't bad. And it's a good thing from DC these days. General premise, general characters, general predictable outcome of two lovers. Makes little sense and zero explanation why some vampires are completely evil and the others comoeltly good, but who cares. There is mindless action and it's fun. But it can go more than 6. Maybe with a top tier artist it could be 7. Alas it is not. So decent. Just this.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #6

Dec 27, 2022

Wow. Just wow. By far the best issue in the whole event. Rosenberg blew Tynion out of the water. I never thought I would write it. It's explosive, way more cohesive and the art finally pays off instead of being irritating like in first issue. Since Matthew doesn't have to explain some nonsensical parts Tynion wrote hismelf i to the corner with this tie in can focus on FUN. And it does. In a good, bloody fashion

Justice League: Last Ride #4

Aug 10, 2021

Great. Just great. Nothing to add

Justice League: Last Ride #7

Nov 9, 2021

Chip continues to prove he is one of the best. Unlike current pathetic state of JL, The Least Ride gave us a ride. One of the best series by DC in a long time

Robin & Batman (2021) #1

Nov 9, 2021

Surprisingly really good book. The dynamic and sense of family bond between the Dynamic Duo is off the charts. Unlike main Batman title, Bruce is capable and not in need of Catnip all the time. Guess outside Batgirls, Batman sidekick titles are the best what his mythos have to offer currently. Kudos for that and for Robin.

Teen Titans Go Giant #1  
Wonder Woman (2016) #774

Jun 22, 2021

It was ok. At least Moore is gone for an issue or two. The lame excuse with magically crafted second blade was hard to accept. Especially if Diana herself blocked the original with her bare hands. The Greek mythos seem bland here compared to Nordic ones. And to think it's her background. Diana still acts weird. It's way better than Sonja or Conan that she was before but the journey is still long. The evil twin trope and lost memories before are so overused in her lore it's getting too repetitive. And to think after regaining her memories she would be interested with her friends and family. If everything was ok. Nope. It's a generally medicore run. The rat is fun but that's about it. Moore draws Diana and Donna like the same person. I can't tell the difference between Aqualad of his and Siggi either. I was hoping Andy would stay for longer. Can't wait till she gets back on earth and the team changes. It's as forced as Hippolyta and Black Adam interactions with Bendis.

Wonder Woman (2016) #775

Jul 13, 2021

Going downhill is an understatement. No wonder people care little for Diana's title. And sales show it. No wonder Yara is such a hit. Because she is written as a compelling character in a settings we actually give a damn about. And acts accordingly to her character. For what started a promising run turns out a not very promising disappointment. Gods being brought back with as much effort that a highschool kid could pull of if he had an IQ higher than squirrels. Diana and her journey is just boring and completely unrelatable. Who cares at all with what is going on with her by this point. Yey, another realm. Another disappointing climax. Can we skip to hammering down the patriarchy on Earth - 11 already. We already know it. The only thing we might still like is her getting some Siggi. Otherwise? No one would buy a single issue. Not that people are... If all you have to gather our attention is Diana getting laid than you fail. Fitting end for a hero that saved DC multiverse in Death Metal. The story is boring. Jumping between the realms and complete disregard for gods is boring. They are like a terrible plot device. Downplayed so she could shine. I remember PĂ©rez run. Gods being terrible beings. But still gods. Commanding respects. This? This is laughable. I'm waiting for some steaming action with Siggi at this point. Because all that is compeling in this book is the backup story. You just skip pages like yeah, yeah now give me little Diana. And it doesn't disappoint.

Wonder Woman (2016) #776

Jul 27, 2021

Wonder woman is the worse title that came out of DM. Pity since Diana was a main hero there.

Wonder Woman (2016) #777

Aug 10, 2021

The only good thing about is the fact we are closing to the end. And Emanuela Lupacchino art. It was cringeworthy, so boring and predictable. Throwing this men are bad in every issue gets just that cringworthy. Doesnt matter if its a satyr, elf king, Thor or ofcourse Wonder Man. Diana needs to throw some one liner about patriarchy in every issue. If the stories were at least connected and frankly better you may overlooked. The writer in under the heel of his gf co writer and its shown here. Just get her to earth. Disconnect from DC universe, fighting some villain no one cares for. Thats why it sales around 25k. Again. If all that you have going is a hunk and forced down the throat feminism, yeah it suck. Good thing Chip's JL last ride is so awesome

Wonder Woman (2016) #779

Sep 14, 2021

Omg that was just pathetic. Another social commentary. I know ww is not as popular as Clark or Bruce. But that crap is most definitely not gonna help

Wonder Woman (2016) #781

Nov 9, 2021

With the terrible afterworlds ending one would think things get only better. And would be surprised. Cloonrad continues to destroy everything that was sellable in Wonder Woman franchise for... I don't really know what. Psycho, as much as he was always a piece of turd turned to a caricature. Even for him. His mysogyny stops working when it becomes a comical joke instead of serving a purpose. We know your message. We literally got it in almost every issue, even if it destroyed other characters. We do. Really. Wonder Woman continues to being rewritten. She might have stopped talking like a drunken Thor and killing innocent controlled sentient creatures like Black Adam on a bad day, but she still is written like a semi intelligent baby with temper tantrums by somone who never read a single issue of Diana. Asking people to lie for her? Being overly agressive like a Punisher who pumped himself full of venom? Can we get a reboot sooner that the end of next year? Diana didn't have a time to visit Steve, like wtf, that was dumb, and since hot male cakes is all that keeps this boat from sinking, he is back. Tension I guess. Good for you Steve. Art is splendid. That's why it isn't lower. But art is just a part of a successful comic. It generaly sucks as bad as this creative team. And judging by the infantile writing so will the Batgirls. Poor Case and Steph. Again, reboot and new team can maybe return this book to the mediocre level of sales she always had. Haven't seen out of character Wonder Woman since forever. Guess that what happens when half of the writing seems to be taken from the TikTok app. Terrible.

Wonder Woman (2016) #794

Dec 27, 2022

This is absolute trash. Wonder Woman yelling about destroyed milk company. It's so childish it borders on satire. And since it's not satire it's just trash.

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