Mnd619's Profile

Joined: Aug 03, 2021

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All-Star Batman #1

Sep 16, 2021

Scott Snyder's My own Worst Enemy is in my opinion his best work with the story and main characters that are just plain civilians trying to get a huge payday from Two-face. I really think that it is my favorite Scott Snyder series. I have read the first issue and I love it I can't wait to read the next editions. Bringing in villains like FireFly and Moth who are not the most popular characters in the DC Universe unlike Two face gives Snyder a lot of opportunities to bring in any villain that he sees fit, Batman has a number of enemies that have a chance to have an appearance in the series I personally want to see Deadshot because I am interested about how Batman would take him out, early in the comic Two-Face makes a reference about "the Clown" but I am Not sure that it keeps the plot of the story, Two-Face announces a huge payday and I and everyone probably know that The Joker has no interest in money he never has, and never will. So I think somewhere in the series Snyder will bring in serious villains, not just regular people searching for a big payday that can't shoot straight, at least I hope he will change that. To go back to the story, towards the end of the comic lays the best plot twist I have yet to see in a comic book series, though it confused me on why he did what he did, I'm sure that it will be explained soon but Alfred has had Bruce's back his whole life and always has protected him, literally. This comic is a must-read for any Batman Fan looking for a twist in the regular well-known history of the Batman Character. I am sure that Snyder will continue making amazing work with this Series and the ones he will create in the future.

Flashpoint #1

Aug 15, 2021

Barry Allen The fastest man alive, is up for his toughest problem yet, the future. A future that is completely altered from the one he comes from. Making things very difficult and surprising as he wakes up from a dream and notices that his mother is still alive, there is a different Batman and there is a vicious war between two extremely powerful beings, Wonder Woman and her army of Amazons and Aqua Man and Atlantis' greatest warriors. The flash has no choice other than to try and figure out what is going on and where he is. Now the world knows nothing of who the flash is or the justice league. This new reality knows nothing of what our heroes are, Batman kills people, Atlantis is at war against the Amazons and all they are doing is destroying the world they live in. Sadly, the world has changed so much that Iris Allen has no memory of Barry whatsoever, after confronting Iris she is married to a different man and has no interest in anything that involves Barry. After batman makes an attempt to kill somebody, Cyborg interferes, with his help and a group of villains makes a plan to stop the war from destroying the world. This whole story is a twist, especially if you know the DC Comics Universe as a whole. Batman is an iconic DC Character everybody knows. The Flash is also a fan favorite and I am also a huge fan. But, after reading this comic, I had a new appreciation for DC Comics, This is a Masterpiece with more importance to the future of Comics due to a twist that you can't find anywhere else. I believe that this will blow your mind as it did for me.

Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #6

Dec 25, 2021

I truly found this Comic on Darth Vader very interesting, it tells a story that The movie saga holds behind. On a much darker side, the story shows how sinister and evil Palpatine is willing to go to unmeasurable lengths to stay in the Galaxy's face of fear. As many know that Darth Vader was lied to by Palpatine to turn Anakin to the dark side and hold his power in the palm of his hand, knowing, it really surprised me that Palpatine would do what he did to Vader after trying so hard to break him just to abandon him on Mustafar for him to relive what had happened to him previously before the event of the comic. Greg Pak as the writer did an amazing job at making this a much darker side that many fans did not see coming, Though, this comic is not far after the death of Padme and Darth Vader in a way is not turned completely causing these memories throughout the story. I did not understand how Darth Vader did not see this coming immediately after the Death Of Padme, it sure is an idea that contains a lot of potential storylines, I really think that in future comics this idea can be expanded to find a part of Vader that is not turned. This comic though has the potential to make Vader into a much darker person, as Palpatine said "I have turned his pain into fear his fear into anger" cementing the idea that Palpatine would do anything in his power to rule the galaxy even at the sacrifice of his own apprentice just for a lust for power.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #1

Aug 17, 2021

Star Wars! A new era of mysteries and adventure, The High Republic. The chances are endless and can be explored through all Star Wars fans. Cavan Scott writer of the first comic of the series really brought the excitement to a whole another level. Most characters that have an appearance are new and unique, except a chosen few that are still around at making an impact. Keeve Trennis a Jedi Padawan, who is the main character in this comic along with her Jedi Master Sskeer who is a Trandoshan which is a rare species to be a Jedi Master in the Star Wars Universe. This edition of The High Republic takes place on a Planet called Shuraden which is inhabited by giant insects and a small tribe of species that live on this planet. These events are after that Jedi Master Sskeer gave the young Padawan a mission of sorts as a final test to pass her Jedi Trials and become a Jedi Knight. This test was to climb the giant needles to find a medallion and bring it to her master, without knowing that these pillars are home to a hive of huge Insects that are aggressive towards anyone, and to add, they only come out of their nest once every season, by there luck that season happened to be that exact day. As the situation grows more dangerous these insects attack Keeve, to protect the tribe of small creatures she takes a risk, a life or death situation. Keeve Trennis is in a tough spot, I will let you find out what happens by reading it for yourself, let me tell you, it gets better. Now, to mention my personal opinion Cavan Scott's writing and Ario Anindito's art really hit the point to make this era of Star Wars feel like the content that we are used to seeing like the Skywalker Saga. It fits, I believe that this is the future of the Star Wars Comic book stories the younger fans will see first and learn that Star Wars is ever-expanding.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #2

Aug 23, 2021

Star Wars High Republic edition 2 is more exciting than the first for so many reasons and I will name some reasons why you should give this comic a try. Starting with the newest part and most unique, The Kotabi Identical twins Ceret and Terec, though they are twins they both hold their own and have their own importance in the story, and from front to end Cavan Scott does an amazing job in their independence. Continuing with the story, they go from a planet overruled by insects and small creatures as they were in the first edition of The High Republic to a ship they had caught on the radar of StarLight Beacon, this ship was filled with toxic gas, making things very dangerous for newly crowned Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis, Master Sskeer and the kotabi twins Terec and Ceret. Though this group is plenty familiar with dealing with trouble, this time will be their most challenging mission yet. Having to let Marshall Kriss everything that happens in the ship, master sskeer is attacked by a hunter that had boarded the ship, all this info goes through Marshall Kriss, the good and bad, making it difficult to deal with what they might be running into. As Keeve and the others arrive at StarLight unharmed but on alert. Marshall gives out a mission to Master Sskeer and Jedi Ceret , keeve does not like this due to the fact she wants to travel with her master, Keeve Pleads her case to Marshall but nothing has changed soon after Master Sskeer and Ceret depart, Terec, who is connected with Ceret in a telekinetic way he feels that Ceret is in trouble, Master Sskeer soon figures out that he is missing and has no idea where he might be, knowing he has walked into trouble he sees there is a hooded figure standing across in a crop field. Now my personal opinion on this comic, it really sets up a plot change going into the next edition of the series, I really hope that Cavan Scott can bring in some more Yoda, knowing he is on StarLight Beacon at the beginning and I hope they can continue the excitement of a new era of star wars. Enjoy and may the force be with you

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #3

Aug 27, 2021

In this new edition of Star Wars, The High Republic is filled with tough situations and tougher decisions, some surprising events occur including an introduction to a darker side of the story that is new to this series. Now, to get to the story and my thoughts. Newly crowned Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis finds herself between a rock and a hard place, her Master Sskeer seems to be preoccupied with Terec having a nervous breakdown because he feels what his twin brother is suffering through. Knowing this problem Keeve Trennis decides to go out with a local named Bartol, as they make their way through the crops Keeve comes across a pit and has no idea what it is and what or who lives inside such a dangerous-looking place, shortly after Keeve follows Bartol through the pit she feels a strong presence of the dark side, not knowing where it is coming from, Towards the end of this pit Keeve found an unknown plant as she looks closely she finds that Bartol's friend is unresponsive and Ceret is also the same, he is tangled in this plant. Soon after getting Ceret free she hears a sound and for the first time in this series, the "Drengir" makes its first appearance, dangerous enough that it seems that it has the potential to capture as it did Ceret and Bartol's friend. Keeve fights back as long as she can against such a challenge, saving Ceret, Bartol, and Keeve, Marshall Kriss appears and with one swipe of her lightsaber, she cut the Dregir clean in half. As Ceret and Terec are treated, Terec seemed to have been mind-controlled by this plant and Ceret the same while he was with Master Sskeer. Not knowing, Master SSkeer seemed to be controlled by this plant that now they realize it holds a strong dark side presence and turns the victim temporarily to the dark side, Sskeer is trapped. The Drengir is alive and shows no sign of stopping, What's going to happen to Sskeer after being exposed to this plant, or monster to be more exact. Keeve, Bartol, Ceret, and the rest of the crew are in a life or death situation, what will happen. To add, Cavan Scott and Ario Anindito are making a Star Wars Masterpiece, I hope that they can be consistent with the story, it is truly amazing to me.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #4

Sep 1, 2021

Another truly stunning Star Wars story capturing the true darkness that lurks around the galaxy and a strong light side always ready to fight it off which is what you will get in this new edition of Star Wars The High Republic. As you may have guessed from my opening there is a twist very early into it that continues what you may have read in the #3 edition of the series telling you that even the strongest of Jedi have weaknesses pulls to the dark, even something that the Jedi may hold for the rest of there days. Thankfully that is not the case for any of the main characters. The story starts off with Master Sskeer still being controlled by the Drengir, making irrational choices against his fellow friends that may lead to their death. Although the Drengir still has a tight hold on Sskeer the story decides to get into a more positive way with Keeve The Jedi knight that is being taught by Master Sskeer having flashbacks towards the days of her training under Sskeer, as early as she can remember when he was teaching Keeve to trust the force and taking big risks, as all Jedi knights should master. After these events in the book, the story really picks up when a Drengir was suddenly being grown in a dead Hutt that died in #2 book of the series by toxic gas in a freighter that was stuck in mid-space as they thought. so the Jedi of starlight beacon examined it but not close enough as it would seem. Now StarLight Beacon is now under heavy attack by such a dangerous monster. Now for the big plot twist of the story and maybe the biggest in the Series happens shortly after the events on StarLight Beacon, I feel that you should read it yourself due to the fact that I do not wish to spoil such an event of this or any important parts of the book. I say this, Cavan Scott did an amazing job as a storyteller with such a subject as Star Wars that is very sensitive due to its popularity and Ario Anindito made artwork of the Drengir seem very real with a strong dark side presence along with the whole story and all the characters.

Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) #5

Sep 4, 2021

From Cavan Scott's mind to the world of Star Wars make a very good mix because of the Storytelling that he has come up with for The High Republic series, I have no doubt that the rest of this series moving on will be equal to the rest of his work. This Edition of the series really has everything that it takes to make a masterpiece, exciting and unpredictable moments that make big changes for the more important characters, dark moments that make sense and have an impact on the whole story, and characters that feel real that hold important roles through light and dark parts of the book. All these reasons appear in this comic book, Ceret and Terec both show there true power of the force as soon as you open the book you find out how powerful these two are when linked together. Keeve on the other hand deals with the most important person in her young life is not who she thinks he is, someone that she thought she knew perfectly. To mention, the main villain of the entire series makes its appearance, the Drengir but as it has been growing stronger as the story goes on, as it started the Drengir was in an underground tunnel of sorts that Keeve found along with her friend, then it makes an impactful entrance at StarLight Beacon the home of many Jedi around the universe, though it does not stop there, currently, Keeve and the crew think that it is simply in StarLight and the planet that they are on. But, soon after StarLiight Beacon gets a signal from several systems that the Drengir is now growing in thousands of locations. This is a serious problem that the Jedi Knights and Masters have to figure out, alongside the darkness moment of this series, lies on the last page of this edition, if you have been a fan of this series as I, this will be a hard one to understand. I rated this comic as a 10 due to the constant plot twist in one book, I enjoyed it and I hope you do as well. It's Star Wars after all. Best Story telling ever

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