DwayneSaid's Profile

Joined: Sep 15, 2021

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Overall Rating
Batman: The World OGN

Sep 15, 2021

One of the best Antholgy I’ve read so far. Reading Batman in different countries and continents made me feel cozy. Got some highlights to share. - Azzarello & Bermejo rocks! The art is so sick, the story welcomes you with a huge bearhug. Perfect choice for a start. Love the splash pages. - Turkey’s chapter is mind blowing!!! I was not expecting such an ending. Woahhh, , the villians and story telling is soooo smooth. I like the newbies. I don’t want spoil the story by saying too much but this is the first story you should read after Azzarello’s. Defo need moreeee, we deseve moreeee!!! - Russia. I loved the story. Imo the best after Turkey’s chapter. The paneling and story telling is master class. So emorional. - Spain. Mehhh Not very bad. - French. :/ Not for me - Korea. Liked the art and concept. The bat suit design rocks. - Italia. Great art, but did not get the story much. - Poland. Like the story, also the coloring is dope. The other stories are all above avarage, Each of them have different flavor that you should taste. I wish the stories were longer.

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