PterSa's Profile

Joined: Jun 22, 2022

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #4

Jun 22, 2022

Yeah, no. It feels like the writer has lost control of his story and is just making it up as he goes along, throwing in cliffhanger after cliffhanger and then his soluation can be summarized with the phrase "sh*t happens". Nezha is unbeatable one moment but easily fought the next, characters constantly pulling new powers out of their assess to save the day. You can do "dumb but cool" but there comes a point when the dumb outweights the rest of the plot and your story suffers from it. This needs some sort of internal consistency and rules because "uh, anything goes" gets old very fast. Also, the fusion was wasted, to be honest. Cool concept, but really doesn't do anything other than get Batman and Superman out of trouble (and there were better ways to do that).

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #5

Sep 30, 2022

Dark Knights of Steel (2021): Allwinter #6

Dec 19, 2024

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #8

Nov 1, 2022

This series is a complete and utter failure. It’s so fixed on pretending to be smarter than it actually is it completely fails at every level. The story is complete forced conflict and randomeness, we’ve got a bunch of characters that barely know each other fighting each other because a third group we barely know anything about just falls from the sky and kills somebody so that the story can advance, yet, instead of trying to get the tone of a “classic” fantasy series, this wants to trick you into thinking it’s actually layered when its not. The twists are either so obvious they don’t really warrant so much time dedicated to to them (yeah, the Evil Els are probably imposters, we get it, that reveal should have come several issues ago and it still hasn’t come) or so obtuse they are imposible to guess (I was low-key hoping the Joker Green Lantern thing was a fakeout because it’s completely stupid and came out of nowhere). The characters are cardboard cutouts (partly because the series is so enamored with its asinine imposter plot it cannot actually characterize them for fear of showing its hand early), the conflict is completely artificial and the pacing completely dreaful (we’re way past the halfpoint of the series and it still feels the plot, which is pretty generic btw, has just started). We are still ending chapters with a random baddie coming into the story and murdering somebody, as if that were shocking anymore. I went to this with an open mind but seriously other than the artwork, this is absolutely terrible. And don’t get me into Taylor’s (lack of) dialogue writing skills…

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #9

Jan 7, 2023

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