A 40 Year Reader's Profile

Joined: Oct 11, 2022

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Overall Rating
Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Oct 11, 2022

Perhaps overly dark and arguably out of character with some hard-to-believe elements, but this was a truly amazing and memorable read. Enough so that I felt compelled to create this account to review it and tell someone, "Wow, that was really great!" I don't know if I'll be collecting many of these, but this has me thinking I should.

Batman: The Long Halloween Collected

Nov 23, 2022

A great detective novel set in the early days of Batman, much like the recent "The Batman" movie. It was a great page turner, but I must say I watched the Animated adaption afterwards and - while similar and faithfully adapted - the animated movie's story is even better! So this almost comes across as an original movie script for the animated movie.

Catwoman: Lonely City (2021) #1

Nov 26, 2022

This is a review of the whole series. I don't think it is hyperbole to call this a masterpiece by Cliff Chiang. It has the feel of a life's milestone work. I feel this can stand alongside of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns just fine. In the 4 books, Chiang succeeds in creating a new world spawned by an alternative path: Fools' Night.

New Fantastic Four (2022) #1

Oct 11, 2022

Most of the time, these kind of one-off teamups are pretty silly and throwaway. But this was actually a well-executed, entertaining and sometimes funny story that was worth the cover price! I was pleased to find myself really enjoying the series and not wondering why I had pulled it in the first place.

Reviews for the Week of...


