A 40 Year Reader's Profile

Joined: Oct 11, 2022

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Overall Rating

This is a review of the whole series. I don't think it is hyperbole to call this a masterpiece by Cliff Chiang. It has the feel of a life's milestone work. I feel this can stand alongside of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns just fine. In the 4 books, Chiang succeeds in creating a new world spawned by an alternative path: Fools' Night.

A great detective novel set in the early days of Batman, much like the recent "The Batman" movie. It was a great page turner, but I must say I watched the Animated adaption afterwards and - while similar and faithfully adapted - the animated movie's story is even better! So this almost comes across as an original movie script for the animated movie.

Perhaps overly dark and arguably out of character with some hard-to-believe elements, but this was a truly amazing and memorable read. Enough so that I felt compelled to create this account to review it and tell someone, "Wow, that was really great!" I don't know if I'll be collecting many of these, but this has me thinking I should.

Most of the time, these kind of one-off teamups are pretty silly and throwaway. But this was actually a well-executed, entertaining and sometimes funny story that was worth the cover price! I was pleased to find myself really enjoying the series and not wondering why I had pulled it in the first place.

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