Aubrey Douglas's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Outright Geekery Reviews: 24
8.4Avg. Review Rating

Weavers is not what I would consider the traditional take on a comic book. If I had to sum this up in one sentence I would say that it is a cross between The Sopranos and a Invasion of the Body Snatchers. As of right now I can't really come up with anything that reminds me of this story very much. The characters are interesting so far. The writing has told just enough to keep you hooked without really telling you a whole lot about everyone involved. There are definitely a lot of unanswered questions floating around in readers heads. After reading the first issue of Weavers, I am pretty hooked on this series for the time being. I want to know what is going to happen next, and I want to know how they are going to end things.

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This is an interesting story. Both the writing and art give you a bad feeling after you're done reading it. This isn't because they are bad, but because you just feel terrible for the characters involved. I would never want to live in a world such as this. Everyone involved in putting this together did their job in bringing to life a post apocalyptic universe where humans are not on top of the world. This may not be on the top of my list of books to read, but it is definitely in my list of top 10.

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Furious Road #3 is a definite must read. You can't exactly jump in and start from here, but if you do, it will just make you want to go back and read issues 1 & 2. The story is picking up steam, and stuff is beginning to happen fast now. The way this ended, you are going to want to see what happens in the next issue.

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Overall, I found this to be an interesting and entertaining story. I like both of the main characters, and I like the direction that things are going in. The story has a slow build to it. This story is taking it's time to reach the climax of it's story. If you like for a story to build up to the final moments, then this might be the story for you.

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I have a feeling that this is going to be another slow burning story. Not a lot has taken place in this first issue, yet at the same time more has happened than you realize at first. This first issue spent much of its time establishing character relationships and giving you background information on everything. If you go back for a second and third read, you realize that a lot of important details are left for you to find in plain sight. This is definitely worth filling a slot in comics that are worth reading if you are the type of person that likes a nice mystery story.

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Overall, this book was interesting to say the least. All of the stories were unique, and some were a little disturbing. I would say that this is worth reading if you are looking for something off the beaten path when it comes to entertainment.

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The story is one that many people would find an interesting. Even if you are not a comic fan, this is a story that you might just well like. The plot and story so far can be one that would fit in on prime time television. To be honest, the story and characters are somewhat better than a lot of things that are currently on network television. If you are like many other people and find much of what is on television lackluster these days, then give this a try, you will not be disappointed that you took the time to read this.

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This is a fun and darkly humorous book. I very much enjoyed the writing and art in this book. Ash has and continues to be a character that I always enjoy revisiting when I get a chance. Furious Road is shaping up to be a storyline that I am anticipating seeing unfold.

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If I had to pick a favorite issue out of this book, I would say that this one would be on my short list of choices. Everything in the last four issues has been building up to this. I Have enjoyed every single page of this issue has been one that I have gone back and read again. I could not help but take things in for a second time, and enjoy the writing and artwork again. The emotions on the characters faces, the rainbows, unicorns, dragons. flowers, and fire and destruction were all things that I enjoyed. Along with the death and mayhem it all added up to some of the cutest panic and violence that I have witnessed in a while. This is a fitting end to a chaotic and fun storyline. My guess is that the next chapter in this story will be just as surprising and enjoyable.

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I enjoyed reading this book. A sequel to a story that many of us have probably spent a few hours wandering about after reading in school is something that I can appreciate. You will definitely want to see this through, especially after everything that we know has happened in the first book. Things are going in a positive direction story wise. There is no doubt that if the quality stays at its current rate the ending will be something that fans of the story will enjoy. I doubt that the characters would feel the same though.

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Overall, I did not enjoy this book very much. The story was hard to follow at points, and the art style was not one that I enjoyed very much. If you are familiar with this world, then you might find this more enjoyable than I did, but if you are not then I would suggest starting with the main series before reading this one.

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Overall, this was a fun and entertaining book. The writing was good, the artwork mixed well with the writing, and the characters and creatures were drawn in a way that complemented each other. This is a story worth reading. There are some parts that involve nudity, but they are not present for very long. If this doesn't bother you, then I would say give this book a shot, because the story is definitely worth your time.

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Overall, I would say that this is an interesting book. It wasn't exactly something that I would be interested in following for long, but I did enjoy reading it. If you are a fan of detective novels, I would give this a try and see if it is up your alley.

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This issue was fun. You are introduced to new characters, a few whom meet a swift and brutal end, as is customary of many that are unlucky enough to come across our main character. We see some new locations, as both Gerty and Happy make their way across the magical and sometimes brutally gross landscape to reach their goals. My only complaint is that I have to wait to read what happens next.

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I liked this book. I thought it was a nice interpretation of a classic story. It was a story I already knew, so the ending was not really a surprise, but the artwork made up for that fact. If you read the story in school, then give this version a shot, it is definitely worth your time. If you haven't read this story, even better! Read the comic before you read the short story, the artwork gives you a really good baseline for imagination to go off of when you do read the original source material.

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I enjoyed this book. The writing is definitely going in a direction that I like. If you wanted to just hop on right here, you totally could. In my opinion you should read the first issue too, because it is worth it. This book is worth the read, and I am looking forward to following the Trine in later issues.

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Overall, this issue is not as exciting as the first one. It is still a good story, but it would benefit readers to start with the first one before reading this one, or they may not get into the series.

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Overall, I found this a fun and engaging story. It is well suited for people who just want something fun to read to pass the time, or like to sample new and quirky comics while they are waiting for something they really love to come out.

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The story is one that I could see myself following. Whether you agree or disagree with the protagonists, if terrorism or the environment is something you are worried about, then reading this story is for you.

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The writing and art are both up to par in this book. This book is new, so jumping on it now means you will be there for everything that is going to happen. Missing out on this story would be a bad idea in my opinion.

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This series is fun. I was reminded of how much I loved this show while growing up. This issue isn't necessarily an edge of your seat page turner, but some important plot points take place. The writing is on par with what I remember from the show, and the artwork fits alongside it.

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Overall, this is worth your time. The story is brand new, so you could start here, or read the other two and then read this one. Reading all three books is definitely worth it. The story is fun, the jokes hit when they need to and the characters are interesting. I am looking forward to where this world is going.

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The border between movies and books blurs and is almost non existent here.Star Wars fans can enjoy this while waiting not so patiently for the next Star Wars movie to come out. This story is simple enough to jump right into, whether you are a newcomer or an aficionado to the universe.

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If you haven't been following this story arc, you may be a little lost at first. That is no reason to pass this up though. The artwork and writing capture your imagination, and by the end of this book you can infer much of what is going on in this world.

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